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Name: Jonah Arnett
Age: 4 (and five-sixths)
Gender: male
Hobbies: swimming
Likes: nature, animals, human touch, cuddling
Dislikes: enclosed spaces, being alone
Personality: happy, friendly, outgoing, easygoing, trusting, talkative, loving, protective, sensitive, extroverted
Appearance: media
Backstory: Jonah has been here all his life and regards the centre as home and the other kids and workers as family. He took his first nature walk when he was two and after that he has loved nature. He has adored animals for even longer.
Health Conditions: none
Abilities: can talk, can walk, can run, can climb, can swim the basics, can undress himself, is beginning to get the hang of showering by himself
Possessions: his clothes
Other: will latch onto you and not let go for very long

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