Nirvana- Kurt Cobain

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(Trigger Warning!: If you are sensitive to self harm, attempted suicide, ect. Please do not read)

✨Imagine: Kurt never committed suicide but you his 15 daughter are suffering depression just like he did and nearly took your own life.✨

Kurt Cobain x Suicidal! Daughter! Reader

Being the daughter of a famous musician had its ups and downs but for you it was mostly downs. But you were traumatized when you found your dad about to shoot himself with the shotgun he had it made you believe that he didn't love you anymore. He always said that the happiest day of his life is that when you were born but once he attempted suicide you pushed that thought away. You were the only thing keeping him alive, with out you he couldn't live, you were his everything and he couldn't afford to loose you. 

You opened the door to your humble home as you walked in "Dad I'm home from school" "In the kitchen!" You left your backpack in the living room and dragged your feet to the kitchen "Hey pumpkin" he said ruffling you (Y/H/C) (Your Hair Color) hair. You walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and sat down at the kitchen table "You hungry (Y/N)?" "Not really" You mumbled. Kurt had noticed that you had completely changed after his attempt. You stopped eating as much, you weren't as talkative as you always were, and you weren't getting enough sleep. You had bags under your eyes and were always yawning, and to top if off you would once in a while fall asleep when your eating and bang your head on the table (Been there). Kurt constantly blamed himself for this and was afraid that you were going to harm your self one day.  "Hey (Y/N) I need to go to the studio in an hour, do you want to go?" "No thanks I'm good..." He mentally sighed, you rejected him for the 4th time this week to go with him to the studio. "Ok..." You went to your room and grabbed the guitar that Kurt had gotten you for your 11th birthday and started playing some random sad Beetles song. Your dad watched you strum your guitar softly as you watering eyes looked down and your hair covered your face. He felt a giant pang in his heart, it was breaking watching you be so miserable like that, how could he think to that to himself that would for sure effect you. He grabbed his jacket from his room and knocked softly on the side of the door. "Hey pumpkin I'm going to be leaving to the studio I'll be back in an hour." "Ok..." Kurt ran his fingers through his hair and then left.

*45 Minute Time Skip*

*Your POV*

I wasn't paying attention to the clock at all but then I realized; this is my opportunity, my escape from all of this. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my only razor blade from its hiding place and went to a drawer next to my bed and opened it to reveal a noose that i had tied but never had the chance to use. I tied the end of the rope to a strong light fixture on the ceiling and stared at the razor for what seemed like hours until i slit both of my wrists pretty deep and they started bleeding heavily. I put the noose around my neck and i was about to jump until i heard the door open "(Y/N)? I'm home" Crap it was dad, did i really take that long? No time. I took a deep breath and stepped off the stool i was standing on and prayed that my dad would take his time coming to check on me.

*Kurt's POV*

"(Y/N)? Pumpkin?" I started to get really worried, she always at least mumble a hi from her room, or I would hear her playing her guitar but it was silent. All the possible scenarios were going through my head, I ran upstairs to her bedroom but the door was closed and locked. I banged on it "(Y/N) please open the door!" She didn't respond, I didn't even think twice, I ran into the door at full speed with my shoulder and it busted off its hinges to reveal what no parent ever wants to see in their life... She was hanging there motionless, blood trickling down her hands and down onto the carpet like paint drops "(Y/N)!!" I looked for something sharp, I saw a razor blade on the carpet, grabbed it and cut the rope that was hanging from the light fixture. She fell but I caught her in my arms a laid her down on the carpet and dialed 911 as I grabbed 2 shirts from her closet and wrapped them around her wrists to help stop the bleeding. I checked for her pulse, it was faint but it was there "911 what's your emergency" "Please send help to 364 N. Grove Dr and hurry (Made that address up BTW)" "Sir please try to remain calm and state your emergency" "My daughter she tried to hang herself and she slit both of her wrists! Send help damn it!" "Ok an ambulance  is on its way please stay calm" A few minuets later I heard sirens and the door opened and people from the CERT ran into the room.

*Normal POV*

The CERT team wheeled you out on a stretcher into the ambulance truck. "Sir would you like to ride in the truck since you are her father" one of the guys from the response team asked "Y-yes please" Kurt got into the truck and he saw you pale face 'why would you do this to yourself (Y/N)' Kurt thought to himself. You got the the hospital and when you got there they did an emergency blood transfusion. While they were doing that Kurt was sitting on a chair with a tear stained face in his hands but a doctor came into the hall "Mr. Cobain?" Kurt shot up "Yes? Please tell me she's ok" "She lost a lot of blood but thanks to the emergency blood transfusion she'll be just fine, you may see her now if you like, she should be awake" "Thank you so much" The Doctor nodded and walked away, Kurt got up and walked into the room you were in. You were sitting up watching the TV with a tear stained face when you were snapped out of your thoughts by Kurt "(Y/N)" he called softly "Hey listen I'm not mad at you" he said sitting down in the chair next to your bed "But why? Why would you do this to yourself...?" You felt your eyes water as tears started falling again "I-I-I didn't think you loved me anymore...after you were going t-to shoot yourself I didn't think you loved me..." Kurt felt his heart break "Oh baby girl" he pulled you into a hug as you hugged back, as you cried and sobbed into his chest clinging to him like when you were little and just had a nightmare. "I'm sorry daddy, I should have never-" "Shh it's ok, it's ok..."


What did you guys think? Should I continue this story? If yes please comment below, leave requests will be taken just leave the band, member and imagine in the comments below. But until next time I will see you my little freaks later. Love ya~ BandFreak10

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