Rules are made to be Broken

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Rule 1: Do not dye hair: Check it out, it's purple and pink. I almost gave my mother a heart attack. Grounded for two weeks.

Rule 2: No tattoos: Yeah right, check them out. Body tattoo covering inner thigh and stomach, two wrist tattoos, a shoulder tattoo, and a garter  around my other thigh. They hurt like Hell and I screamed worse than a banshee, but they're easily concealed when I want to hide them, but I don't, I want to flaunt them. Can't wait until it's bikini season. Goodbye one piece, hello two piece. Wait until my mother sees these, she'll flip out.

Rule 3: Don't ride a motorcycle. I do worse than that. I own one. I leave it at the nice boy down the street's parking pad. I love the feel of the wind through my hair. This is one of the things I hope my parents never figure out about.

Rule 4: no piercings besides ears. They hurt like Hell but it will be worth it to see the priceless look on my father's face when he sees me with my belly button piercing.

Rule 5: Do not become intimate until you are married. Wouldn't have been a problem if I'd stayed in the confines of female company. But now that I've got a taste of freedom, there's no going back. Especially since I now have every boy vying for my attention and affection. It's all too easy to pull at their strings.

Rule 6: No drugs. That's the one rule they've set I can get behind. The Queen of the Populars may not like me for it, but I'd rather she hate me more than she all ready does than get high on something I don't want.

Rule 7: No alcohol. A Bottle of beer never hurt anyone. Right?

Rule 8: No smoking of any kind. The smell of marijuana on Travis's clothes drives me insane, so why would I do it if I can't stand when others do it?

Its like giving a kid grape juice and then finally giving them something stronger they'll use and abuse it. They'll lose control. I know what Travis means now when he says he can't get enough.

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