Looking Over Past Mistakes

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Reviews are now at the end of the chapter. Text taken from the book is in bold.


Chapter Three: Looking Over Past Mistakes

Harry was shocked. No, shocked was putting it mildly. His whole life had been turned upside-down in a matter of minutes. First off, his mother wasn't related to those awful people he was forced to live with. Second, He was the heir of all four of the Hogwarts houses. He doubted that was a common occurrence. Third, his parents left a will stating Sirius was innocent, yet he was put in Azkaban without a trial. Lastly, Dumbledore knew it.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Was everything Skeeter wrote about him true? He hated that little bug, but maybe her words had merit. He just couldn't find a plausible reason why Dumbledore would keep this information from him that would keep him in his good graces. Dumbledore was not who he thought he was.

He left Gringotts with a the list of his houses, a copy of his parent's will, 500 galleons from his Potter vault, and a bag of automatically refilling coins which connected to his Peverell vault. He decided to hold off shopping for a later date and instead got a cheap room at the Leaky Cauldron for 10 galleons a night.

Inside the room he found an exact replica of the room he had gotten in his third year. He placed his things on the desk and found a quill, parchment, and ink in the drawer inside the desk, so he decided to think over his previous life.

First Year

Hagrid introduces me to magic even though he is not a teacher

Hagrid picks up stone while going to Gringotts

The Weasleys show me how to get through the barrier

Ron sits with me on train and we become friends

Ron speaks poorly at everyone at Hogwarts

We run into Fluffy (Alohomora let us in)

A troll comes into Hogwarts and Dumbledore wasn't notified even though the wards should've told him (He should have also been notified that someone was possessed)

We defeat the troll and become friends with Hermione

I make it onto the Quidditch team

My broom gets jinxed at the Quidditch match

Hagrid accidentally hints that Nicholas Flamel had something to do with the stone

I use the cloak an "accidentally" run into the mirror of Erised and get a lecture from DUmbledore on how it works

We find out the school was hiding the Philosopher's stone

Hagrid gets a dragon

We get detention in the forbidden forest even though it is forbidden

We run into Voldy

Hagrid says he told a stranger how to get past Fluffy

McGonagall ignores our warning that someone was going after the stone

We pass through the obstacles guarding the stone (even though we are only first years)

Obstacles seem like they were made for us (Hagrid gave us flute for Fluffy, Devil's Snare for Longbottom, Flying for me, Chess for run, we had already knocked out a troll, riddle for Hermione, and I had already received a lecture on how the mirror worked)

I burn Voldy's face

Dumbledore leaves out vital information during his explanation

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