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by sloanranger

So we find a booth at Joe's Fat Burgers. It's warm coming in from the cold outside and Freddy helps me take my coat off. Joe brings menus and me a coke and Freddy, coffee.

"Are you hungry, Molly?" Freddy says.

"Ummm," I nod.  "Are you going to eat something?"

"Sure," he says.

Honestly, I think Freddy could eat a hamburger an hour after he had Thanksgiving dinner.

Joe comes over with his order pad. "Hi, guys, usual?" He says, looking from me to Freddy and back again.

Freddy looks up: "Hamburger, Moll?" I nod, yes.

"With mustard pickles and... "Lot of onions," Joe joins in, "and fries with thousand island dressing."

"Right," Freddy continues and I'll have a BLT and fries."

Me and Joe don't say anything, we just look at him.

"What," Freddy says after a pause. " I can't change my order once in a while?"

I give him a no-big-deal-shrug, and Joe leaves to get our food.

"So, Molly," he says and gives me a sleepy smile that makes me warm all over.

"Tell me about this guy."

Freddy's got this thing where his lids lower and half cover his eyes. Drives me nuts.

I know what he's talking about but I say: "What guy?"

"The one who was gonna fill in for me. You know, the one who was gonna take you to the movies."

(To be continued).

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