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by sloanranger

"I'm glad you didn't have to work tonight, Freddy."

"Yeah," he says, smiling, and changes the subject. "The candles and holly look real nice, Molly."

"Thank you. You know, I think it's awfully hard on you sometimes Freddy, taking care of your Mom and sister and all."

He's got his arm around me but he stands and pulls me up and off the sofa and takes me to the kitchen doorway. Standing underneath the mistletoe, he kisses me real soft and he's got those eyes of his at half-mast -  the way that drives me nuts.

He takes a little wrapped box out of his pocket and says: "Open it now, Molly, while I'm here, okay?"

So I do. And it's just the sweetest thing; it's a very small onyx oval on a little gold chain, and the onyx oval has this tiny, little diamond in the middle.

"Oh Freddy, It's so pretty." And now I know why he's been working all the time and I get tears in my eyes.

"Don't cry, Molly. It's for you - Merry Christmas."

(To be continued).

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