Thug Love ~ Preppy Girl Meets Hood Boy ~1~

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Thug Love Chapter 1 -

Shit, I'm going to be late for school I thought as I ran down the stairs, I was wearing a pair of short denim shorts a pink tank top and a pink and red areopostal hoodie, I grabbed my wristlet with my phone, keys and money in it slipped on my pink flip flops and ran to my car, a 2009 Mercedes-Benz CLC 220 CDI, it had been a present for my 16th birthday last year { ... outfit ... }, I'm going to be 17 in a few weeks. I was almost at my car when I heard my mom yell form behind me,

"Shane! Sweetie wait!." Ugh I thought in my head but stopped and turned.

"Whats up Mom?"

"I need you home right after school I have a big surprise for you." She said beaming at me and i couldn't help but feel scared. Last time she had a 'big surprise' for me she auctioned me off for charity and i sent my Saturday night with some sweaty guy eating in some fancy restaurant it was mortifying.

"Ok mom. Gotta go see you tonight love you." I said as i sat in my car. I put my sunglasses on and examined myself in the rear view. My long brown hair was pulled into a perfectly messy bun, my olive complexion was perfect no make up needed and my bright blue eyes shone like the moon. I had to admit i was an ok looking girl. I quickly put my car in drive and floored it all the way to school i got in just as the bell was ringing and i ran to my class nearly loosing a flip flop. The teacher gave me a stern look but didn't yell at me thank god and i quickly took my seat next to Madison, my best friend in the entire world. The only girl in this school that i trust.

"Hey Shane!" She yelped and gave me an air kiss beside each cheek. We usually saw each other every day but this past weekend she had been away with her family.

"Hey Maddi, how was your weekend?"

"Oh my god, it was like beyond belief, I met the hottest guy," She looked dazed for a second as if remembering something," Erm...but i cant remember his name, but the sex was out of this world!" I couldn't help but laugh, that was so Maddi, she was a bit of a slut truth be told but she knew it and she didn't try to hide it, thats what i loved her so much. I myself have never had sex. Yep I'm a 17 year old virgin. But I like it that way.

"Your crazy." I said rolling my eyes and we giggled together.

"Shane! Madison! Eyes forward and mouths closed please!" The teacher boomed out from the front of the class.

"Erm..Yes sir. Mr. Kutuzov." i said and looked down guiltily. I actually like school unlike most kids, I do well also...for the most part A's and B's. I'm also head cheerleader and the 'IT' girl in school. I don't mind being Queen B most of the times its fun and has its advantages, like no one pushes you in the hall, people are polite, you know that kind of shit, but then theres times it sucks. Like when the girls are fighting and i have to choose a side, or that everyone tries to pressure me into dating Lance, captain of the football team, straight A student, richest kid in school, pretty much Mr. Perfect...but not for me. The rest of my classes flew by quickly and it was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria flanked on either side by Maddi and Kelly, another girl on out cheer team' cliche right? oh well. We made our way to tour lunch room table and Kelly so kindly offered to get my lunch for of the perks I guess. I said sure gave her the money and she got in the long line while i sat at the table that begin to fill with all the other 'in crowd' students. I ate quickly when Kelly brought the food back and apologetically explained i would miss practice tonight cause my mother had a surprise for me and that Maddy was next in charge. The rest of my classes went by pretty slowly. Ugh it seems like the day drags after lunch. I just wanted to get out of there. I stared at the clock counting down the minutes when finally the bell rang i was up and out of my seat and heading to the door. I ran to my locker threw my books inside and ran to my car. I was curious as to what my mother was going to do to me this time. I unlocked my door and just as i was opening it it slammed shut and i felt someone pressing against me. I turned quickly to see Lance standing behind me one hand on either of my body.

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