Thug Love ~ Preppy Girl Meets Hood Boy ~11~

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I woke up, I was laying in a hospital bed. The memories hit me like a hammer and my chest tightened, tears pricked my eyes. I jumped out of the bed and ripped an IV out of my arm. I ran out of the room and got my baring running to Angels room. I opened the door and he was laying there just like before, I had been hoping that it was just a nightmare but no, he was in the bed the tubes coming in and out of him making him breath, keeping him alive. I collapsed by his bed, holding his hand, my head resting on his arm.

"Oh, Angel, wake up baby, please." I whispered to him as tears trickled down my face landing on his sheets.

"Miss? What are you doing in here?" A nurse walked in and asked.

"What does it look like?" I asked her bitterly

"I Know, but why aren't you in your room?"

"Cause I'm fine, he's not, h-he needs m-me." I said breaking down into loud heart wrenching sobs, the nurse came to me and put her arms around me, she rocked me back and forth and shushed me lightly.

"He'll be ok sweetie." She said trying to reassure me, but it didn't work. The nurse pulled away from me and another set of arms folded around me, I looked up in to Dalilas eyes and we cried together sobbing loudly. My heart was breaking, I can't go on without Angel, I'd rather die then live without him, he had to wake up. We cried for what seemed like hours, just holding each other when I heard the soft click of the door being opened, it was Ty and Prince, they wanted to visit with Angel so Dalila and I begrudgingly left the room. A few minutes later Yvonne and Raphael went in and the boys came out, after Yvonne and Raphael left Lala and I went back in the room. We sat in the chairs next to his bed in silence and watched, he didn't flutter an eye lid or twitch a finger, he just sat there completely still and silent. I had started to dose off after we had been sitting there for a while, when a loud beeping noise reached my ears. I snapped my eyes open and Angel was jerking around on the bed his body vibrating and the machines he was hooked up to going crazy. Three nurses and a doctor came running in and began working the nurses held him down and the doctor injected him with something. He grabbed two paddles from a machine next to him and slicked a jelly like substance on them. He held the defibrillator against Angels chest before yelling, "Clear!" and he squeezed the buttons causing Angels body to jump off the bed. The machines continued to whine and the doctor shocked him again. Nothing. The doctor took a step back and put his head down.

"Call it." He said and began to walk away as Angels body began to quiet.

"10:37 pm." A nurse said quietly

"NO!" I screeched and jumped up. "Don't leave me! Don't go please!" I screamed at Angel and pounded on his chest as the nurses tried to wrestle me away.

"He's gone." They tried to tell me. But I continued to plead with him. They got me away and were dragging me back when the constant whining beep turned to a weak, but discernible beep beep beep. The nurses let go of me and rushed forwards.

"He' still with us!" A short one shouted and beamed running to get the doctor. Dalila who was still sitting in the chair, her face made of stone her eyes glazed over, and I were escorted out of the room while Angel was worked on. I sat in the waiting room nervously tears streaming down my face. Dalila was like a statue, Prince held her and she just stared off into the distance, not focusing, not seeing, hearing, or speaking. A few minutes later a nurse tapped my shoulder and told me I could go back in to see him. I took my seat by his bed and held his hand.

"Be strong, we'll get through this, just stay with me." I whispered to him as I traced patterns on his hand. I heard the door click open, but ignored it. Not wanting to take my eyes off of Angel.

"Come on Shane, you have to eat something." I turned to see Yvonne and Ty standing there looking worried.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten or drank anything in almost twenty four hours. Lets go." They said and each grabbed an arm lifting me from the chair.

"I'll be right back." I said to Angel and kissed his forehead before allowing them to drag me out of the room. I managed to force down a half of sandwich and a few sips of water. We were on the way back to the room when Prince came from the waiting room and grabbed me by the arms.

"Don't go in there yet." He said slight panic behind his calm eyes.

"What happened?!" I shrilled and tried to pull away.

"He's fine, just, don't go in there yet." He pleaded with his eyes and I wrenched from his grip running to the room. I opened the door and saw something I thought I would never see...

I kno its short but I wanted u guys to guess what she saw =P Hope u enjoyed and sorry bout takin a long time ivve been kinda concentrating on my other story more but didnt mean to neglect Angel and Shane lol anyways enjoy and please comment and vote =) <3 yall!!!!!!

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