Thug Love ~ Preppy Girl Meets Hood Boy ~9~

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I woke up and looked around. I was in an all white room and it had that sterile sort of smell. Like a hospital. I groaned and instantly the door opened and Prince walked in followed by a very worried looking Dalila and followed by. Lance. Someone kill me now. I glared at Prince and Dalila laughed.

"Trust me Shane, he got what was coming to him. I cant believe he put you in that situation, and as for him," She shot a disgusted look at Lance,"I tried to get rid of him but he wouldn't listen." Lance took a few steps forward and grabbed my hand which I immediately took back.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I didn't know you were going to faint, and I tried to catch you I'm sorry." I reached up and felt my forehead. Right where my hair line was there was a neat row of stitches.

"Don't call me baby and get out of here." I said coldly and looked away.


"But nothing! I don't like you...and you don't love me! You don't even know me. The only thing you know about me is I'm one of the only girls to ever turn you down and thats why you think you "love" me," I said using my fingers to make quotation when I said love." Besides, someone already has my heart."

"Oh yea? And who's that?" He said through clenched teeth.

"Nunya." I heard Dalila stifle a giggle when Lance looked at me confused.


"Yea, Nunya damn business." I said and burst out laughing...ok so it was a corny joke but people always fell for it. I couldn't help it.

"Angel?" He said with anger in his voice and I saw Lala tense up.

"Maybe." I said simply.

"You know he fucked Maddi right? Hes probably got a disease or something." I was about to speak when Lala cut in.

"Don't you ever, and I mean EVER talk shit about my brother you little bitch!" She screeched with her hands on her hips and her nostrils flared slightly.

"And what are you going to do about it?" He scoffed. She suddenly sprang on him but before she reached him Prince grabbed her around the waist and held her.

"You fuckin lucky." She kept chanting through clenched teeth as Prince attempted to calm her down. He finally calmed her enough to get her to sit down and the door swung open. My heart fluttered when I saw it was Angel he looked scared. I smiled at him and relief washed over his face. He rushed over to me and leaned down hugging me,

"Ma, you had me so worried."

"I'm" I said and smiled up at him and he grinned hugely.

"So what your telling me is your going to pick a drug dealing, porch monkey, ghetto ass, broke down, no goals in life loser over me?" I heard Lance say from the corner , I had forgotten he was there. My eyes went huge and Angels face contorted into a mask of anger.

"Yes." I said simply and Angel smiled down at me." Now get out before I have a nurse call security on you." I said and looked at him with all the anger I could muster and he shook his head and walked out of the room muttering things I couldn't make out. Angel sat on the bed beside me and pulled me into his chest hugging me close.

"Angel?" I said and he looked down with joy in his eyes.

"Yes baby girl?"

"Whats going to happen now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well with Precious brother."

"I'm not sure," He answered truthfully and looked down at me, his eyes were shiny like he was holding back tears, "As long as were together it doesn't matter though, we'll get threw everything." He smiled weakly at me and I couldn't help but smile back. About an hour later the doctor came in and said I was ok to go home. He gave me a prescription for pain killers and instructions for caring for the stitches. We met Dalila and Prince in the parking lot and Dalila was glowing as soon as we walked out she ran to me and hugged me.

"See you at school tomorrow girl!" She called to me and I looked at Angel.

"Isn't it still Saturday night?"

"No Ma its Sunday night. You were unconscious the whole day."

"" I was shocked I had been out that long. We pulled up outside of my house a few minutes later and he leaned in and kissed me gently before getting out of the car and coming to open my door for me. He walked me to the door and leaned down and kissed me again.

"Good night Shane." He said and I smiled as he made his way back to his car. I didn't want him to leave, I felt empty when I wasn't with him. I watched as his car pulled around the corner and sighed deeply before digging in my bag to get my keys. I felt an arm snake around my waist and a hand clamp over my mouth. Panic surged in my body.

"It would be in your best interest to stay clear of Angel, princess. Who knows what might happen to either one of you." The person who had me said and before pushing me forwards and running off. I picked myself up off the ground and looked around but he was already gone. I hurriedly unlocked my door and went inside locking it behind me. I debated on whether or not to call No reason to worry him. I took a quick shower careful not to get water in my stitches and changed into pajamas. I crawled into my bed and was asleep almost instantly.


"Hey you two!" Dalila said with a big smile on her face as Angel and I walked up to the school hand in hand.

"Hey Lala." I called back my smile just as big as hers. But it disappeared when I saw Precious. She stomped up to us and before I knew what was happening she slapped Angel across the face.

"You best watch yo back nigga, trust and believe yo ass gonna pay for this." She said before she walked to her car got in and left. I looked up at Angel worried his cheek was red where she had slapped him.

"We'll be ok." He said and smiled weakly, but I could see a bit of fear in his eyes. Classes dragged by and I couldn't wait to be with Angel again. Finally lunch came and nearly ran to the lunch room. Angel was waiting in the doorway for me and smiled widely throwing his arms around me and holding me tightly to him.

"I missed you." He murmured into my hair.

"I missed you too." I said and smiled up at him. He brushed his lips gently across mine and we sat down with everyone else minus Precious. Ty glared at me the whole time but I cant help what I feel and I feel for Angel. I love him. WAIT! WHAT!? Oh my god. I think I love him. I kept saying it over and over in my head and it made me feel warm and mushy inside. We walked to the next class together and sat by each other. It felt so good, so right to be around him. He met me outside after school and walked me to my car. I leaned against it and he leaned against me kissing me deeply. My heart fluttered and he pulled away looking lovingly into my eyes.



"I...I...lo- I have to go." I said and quickly got into my car. We had a date set for tonight. I couldn't wait. Dinner and a movie it was going to be so perfect. I had to get home and get ready.

=) well their u have it hope u liked it, dont forget to vote and comment cause u love me so much =/ lol...and please please please watch the video its been a fav of mine since i was like 13 lol its good and it works with the story!

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