"Who's the moron now?"

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The drawing's not based on this story but, I needed to draw Error and Ink so..
Can't think of a title & I rushed. Sorry.
This chapter contains some explicit words. I wouldn't want someone to get influenced and start swearing in real life
But this chapter will mostly be in Error's POV!
| Error's POV |
My nonexistent heart was pounding nonstop and my cheeks were still burning even if the event happened 20 minutes ago. I am sitting in art class, the worse class there is to be because apparently this is Ink's favorite class.
Speaking of him, that little shit had embarrassed me in front of some of the others, huh? Well, let's just see what will happen to him.
| Flashback |
"So who's the moron now?"
Damn him and his comebacks.
I look up at his smug face to glare daggers at him and flip him off, only to be met with other faces. However my vision was blurry due to some tears forming in my eyes, so I couldn't see who they were.
"That's so unradical, bro!"
Fresh. Ugh I hate this guy. Someone throw him in a pit and light it on fire.
"Are you okay?"
Dream. At least this one was less of an asshole.
"Don't help him, he totally deserves it"
Nightmare. Okay this guy is.
"What Senpai said!"
Cross. This one's weird as fuck.

"FUNK YOU ALL!", curse Fresh for replacing that word. At least there was no one in the hallways but the eight of us, or I would've been in for a bad time.

| Flashback ends |

I jolted up from my seat.
I was too busy replaying those events in my head that I didn't hear what our teacher had said.
"Y-yes, teach?"
Wow, way to go for replying so smoothly, Error. A+ for you.
"Did you not hear what I just said to the class just now?", she replied with a hint of distress in her voice. She was tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for me to respond.
"I told the class to pack up their things and go to sides of this classroom. I'll be changing your seats and those will be your permanent seats for this trimester"
I looked around me to see everyone out of there seats and on each side of the class, staring at me. Fuck, why today?? Sitting next to one of the popular sanses, Horror, was the best thing that ever happened to me in this class, now I'll be sitting next to a sans I might not even know or haven't talked with as much, or worse, that asshole.
"S-sorry, ma'am"
I scurried out of my seat and packed up my belongings, walking towards Horror, who was looking bored as usual and stood next to him.
"All right. Now that that's done, I'll be calling your names and you'll be sitting in the seat I tell you, okay?"
"Yes ma'am!", said the class in unison.
"Ok then, Blueberry, row A, seat 1"
"MWEH HEH HEH! THE FRONT ROW!", Agh, Blueberry would've made me deaf if I ever sit next to him.
"Edge, row A, seat 2"
Least that wasn't me, but I still feel sympathetic for my best friend, but as I look at him, he seems.. quite thrilled?
Huh. I guess he just seems happy to be in the front row, cause he was one of the shortest in this class and it was always difficult for him to see what's on the board.
"Horror, row A, seat 3"
Shit, guess it just wasn't my day today huh? Well then, hope I sit next to Geno or someone who's chill.

| 10 minutes later.. |

It really isn't my day today.
In row B, there's Outer, Geno, and Reaper. Heh, two lovers and a third wheel for them.
Row C is Dream, Cross, and Nightmare.
Oh great, one flamboyant fool, one homosexual dirtbag, and an emo asshole. What a perfect team they are amirite or amirite?
Row D is Fresh, G (Gaster Sans), and Hip Hop (Dancetale Sans).
I'd gladly be in their group if Fresh wasn't there thank you very much.
Since there's only 14 of us in this class, there's only two left for Row E, myself included.
I wonder who I'm sitting with..
"Error and Ink, row E, seats 1 and 2"
I'm so fucking done with life.

| Ink's POV |
"Error and Ink, row E, seats 1 and 2"
Is this some kind of joke?
Man don't I just act like a fool towards you guys for taking my time to finish this chapter?
But, I was busy finishing 3 flipnotes in a span of like 2-3 months anyways so..
But please comment and like! ^-^
It's highly appreciated!
See ya later!

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