chapter 2

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so, this story is VERY LOOSELY based on one of my favourite ever programs and love stories (I'm not gonna say which one because it will ruin the story lol) but yes, just thought you should know.

also, add me on snapchat - @/scomicheflump because I'm gonna begin to post sneak peeks of upcoming chapters of all of my stories on there (plus you'll see me being a dork lmao what's new)

Mitch walks into the airport, throwing his bags to the floor before adjusting his belt. It's been a while since he's had to wear his army uniform, and he's got to get used to how restricting it is all over again. He bites his lip, looking around the room at all of the soldiers surrounding him. All of them a part of his new battalion, all of them potential war victims at some point in the future, all of their lives in Mitch's hands. He takes a deep breath, before walking into the crowd and starting to introduce himself.

After a couple minutes, he realises that people already have close bonds with others, obviously, seeing as all these guys have toured together before. But Mitch struggles to properly introduce himself, finding himself subject to sniggers and strange looks.  In the end, he decides to give it a rest for the time being, focusing instead on getting in line to mark his attendance.

He fits himself into the line, pressed between two men who are much taller, broader and more masculine than he is. Obviously he's struggled in the past with how the other soldiers deal with Mitch's femininity, finding that often, the "macho" army men feel threatened by how feminine Mitch is, so they dismiss him. They get over it eventually though, and Mitch loved his last battalion for how accepting they all were. When he got told he was being transferred to take the spot of the medic in the First Team, he struggled with the thought of leaving. But everything must come to an end.

Mitch eventually gets within the first three, only a couple people away from the table. And that's when he sees him.

Scott's eyes meet Mitch's just as Mitch's brain registers who he's looking at. His one night stand from the night before is sat in front of him, wearing a Staff Sargeant rank slide, registering soldiers beside the Captain of the battalion. Mitch's jaw drops as he inhales a shocked gasp, just as Scott's mouth opens to silently utter a shocked curse.

"Mitch?" He says quietly, frowning up at the dark haired boy as Mitch glares back down at Scott.

Mitch reaches the front of the line, standing beside another soldier who's registering. The soldier speaks out, obviously well acquainted with Scott.

"You know him, Sarge?"

Scott fumbles, his eyes wide as his trembling fingers grip onto the paper in front of him. He clears his throat, "Uh, I- no, I read his records I don't know him-"

"I thought you said you didn't get time to read the records?" The Captain interrupts, furrowing his brow in Scott's direction.

"Oh, uh, no I found time, Sir." Scott stutters, inhaling deeply as he looks up at me, "Actually I- um, there was a- an issue on your form, Mitch that I actually needed to talk to you about, if you'd-"

"There was an issue?" The Captain says, beginning to search through his papers for my record, "I didn't spot that..-"

Scott quickly slides my records from the Captain's pile of paper, holding it tightly, "Yes, yep, there was an issue. Just a small, insignificant issue but uh- Mitch if you'd like to step outside so we can talk about it-"

The Captain shakes his head, "Oh no I can do that, Staff, no worries."

"No, Sir, really it's fine, please excuse me." Scott swallows, standing from his desk and walking over to a door at the side of the room, "Follow me, Mitch."

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