chapter 3

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Scott taps his foot on the floor, sliding his rifle around onto his back as he crosses his arms across his chest. The majority of his section are stood behind him, formed up in ranks.

"Lance Corporal Grassi." He repeats, rolling his eyes at the silence in response.

He's been stood outside of the medic accommodation for almost three minutes, calling Mitch's name and waiting for him to come and join the rest of the First Team. Scott intends to run them around the camp, a little bit of physical training to get them acclimatised to the heat, but Mitch is a no-show.

Scott sighs, shaking his head slightly as he tries one last time, "Grassi? Are you stone deaf or just being ignorant?"

He hears some sniggers from his section, making him turn towards them with a firm stare. Just as he does, Kirstie walks over to him, stood beside him and waiting until he notices her.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks, looking down at the smaller girl. They've known each other for years, since before Scott became in charge of this battalion. They schooled together, trained for the army together and have toured together for the past few years. It's fair to say that they're comfortable with each other.

"Yes, Staff, am I interrupting or am I able to speak to you in private?"

Scott nods, "just give me a second, Kit."

Kirstie steps back as Scott braces up in front of his section, "Listen in. You will march down to your quarters and wait outside your tent. I expect you to march smartly and as you would if I were watching you, and I expect you to wait for me in silence, formed up. Understood?"

Scott nods as the section calls out in understanding. He puts Olusola in charge, watching as he successfully marches the section off around the corner.

He turns back towards Kirstie, smiling and flickering his eyes up towards the tent with Mitch in.

"I was just wondering, are you guys heading out to patrol later? It's just because my section is apparently partnering up with another section later to go on patrol, but I've been put on a hospital shift this afternoon and my Sargeant said that I should check in with the leader of the patrol if it's okay for me to bail out. Obviously I know that you have Mitch as a medic so it isn't like I'd be leaving you without any medical experts."

"Yes, you're partnering up with us but I'm not sure that you can miss this patrol, Mitch has been a no-show this morning. I'm still waiting for him to make an appearance actually and if he doesn't, I'll need you to be the medic."

Kirstie furrows her brow, looking towards the tent, "Mitch hasn't shown up? Do you want me to see if he's still in there?"

"Are there any females still in your quarters?" Scott asks, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"No, we were all at the hospital before I left to find you."

Scott nods slowly, "that's okay then. I'll head inside myself and see if he's in there."

"Are you sure? I don't mind."

"No, honestly it's fine," Scott smiles, patting Kirstie on the back, "go back to the hospital, I'll find him. And I'll contact you later about the patrol."

"Thank you, Staff. See you soon," she smiles, heading off in the direction of the hospital and leaving Scott alone outside the medics quarters.

"Mitch?" He says, his voice raised but not loud enough to draw attention to himself, "Mitch? You in there?"

Again, silence is the only response. After a couple seconds of deliberating, Scott walks forward and unzips the tent, popping his head inside the room.

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