Something New - Climaxing

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We both climax over 10 times that night.

Taylor and I fell asleep. My head on her chest and her fingers laying on my pussy.

It was 3am when all of a sudden I hear 2 knocks on the front door.

I run into my room to throw on some clothes.

I open the door and I see Spencer. Her hair was messy and her eyes were red.

"Are you drunk? " Spencer was going through something. I could tell.

"I fucking hate you. I know you have Taylor in there. You are a bitch and I never wanna see you again" She suddenly threw up on the porch.

"You should go home." but then again she was drunk and I didn't want her to harm herself.

She started walking to her car.

"Spencer wait." I call out. "You can sleep in my bed."

She walked back into the house. I gave her some gym shorts to sleep in and tucked her into the bed.

"Why me Spencer?" I said softly. I kissed her forehead and headed down stairs.

Taylor was up waiting for me to come back. She looked at me with confusion on her face.

I pulled her in, noticing she was still naked. I grabbed her ass making her moan.

"Kiss me if you love me" She said and without a doubt I kissed her delicate lips. I felt her smile through the kiss.

"Then fuck me like you mean it."
Now that's what I wanna hear.

I pushed her down in the chair, and I kissed her all the way down to her thighs teasing her.

Suddenly, Spencer's face popped in my head. I shook the image away and did my business with Taylor.

After I made Taylor climax, I went up to check on Spencer. She was still in my bed asleep. I turned the light out and wen't back downstairs.


Taylor stayed the weekend and Spencer never came out my room. Weird, right? I checked on her frequently to make sure she was breathing or to give her food and medicine, but she just stayed asleep on getting up to use the bathroom twice.

I wake up and immediately take Taylor home. When I get back I go up to my room Spencer was still sleeping. I just let her sleep because she probably has a hangover. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some pain medicine and a water. I set it on the stand beside my bed. 

I got dressed in a shirt Spencer got me at Forever21, a pair of Hollister jeans, and combat boots. I grabbed a Chanel bracelet and necklace. I left in the pearls I had in my ear and teased my hair a little bit. Before heading out the door I got a piece of scrap paper out my bookbag and wrote "Take this Spence. Didn't wanna wake u up. love u" I set the note beside the water and pills I got for her.

I heard a honk and ran out the door into Jacob's car. "Your skin is glowing Mary. What have you been up to?" He said with a smirk on his face. "Let's just say last night I got the best I've ever had." I chuckled. "So what? I don't get any details?" I could tell he wanted to know. I just didn't know how he would react to me being gay, but I figured it was either now or never.

"Well last night Taylor came over...and we kind of had a thing. A really sexy thing. I guess." I blushed at the thought of my lips on Taylor.

"Woah. That's hot." He laughed.

"Well I guess you can say that, but I have to tell you something else Jacob." He looked concern.

"Well the other day Spencer told me she was in love with me. She even kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I just told her that I didn't feel that way about her, but last night she came over drunk. She told me she hated for breaking her heart." I looked down at my hands. I knew Spencer loved me, but I couldn't do that to her.

"Mary...I really don't know what to say. I mean I kind of figured Spencer liked you and you are hot sooo." He smiled and nudged me with his elbow. Jacob always put a smile on my face. As soon as we pulled up to school I got a text.

"This weekend was great we should do it again :)" Taylor texted me. I definitely wanted to do her again, I mean look at her who wouldn't? "Stay the night at my place tonite ;)" I text back with a huge ass smile on my face. Taylor texted back saying she could come. 

Tonight we were gonna try new and old things, and I think I heard Taylor mention something about a strap-on? Oh, well. 

I was so ready for tonight.

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