Something New - Someone New?

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My heart fell as I heard Taylor walk out. I knew she didn't care and that's what hurt me the most. I've never felt this heartbroken by anyone...not even a boy. I should have figured though. She wasn't even there for me when I came out. Why is love so hard to contain? I followed my heart and it ended up getting broken. Good advice, right?

The only thing I wanted was to sleep. I could feel depression waying me and my body down.

I laid onto the bed and close my eyes. My mind shifted to Taylor. I shook the thought of her out of my mind. I didn't need her and obviously it wasn't meant for us to be together. You spend so much time with someone and expect to spend forever with them. Guess it's too good to be true.

My door suddenly opened and my dad was standing there with a couple shopping bags and a cup of coffee. "I saw Taylor leave. She was crying." It's all an act. "Oh yeah. Um, we're not seeing each other anymore." I tried to not seem like I was  the one hurting. 

"You wanna talk about it?" I knew he was concerned, but talking was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Not right now." I weakily smile, fighting back my tears.

He placed the bags in front of my dresseer and laid the coffee on the nightstand beside my bed. 

"Well you should get out of the house. Laying in bed will only make it worse." 

I shook my head as he closed the door. 

I grabbed my phone and called Jacob, hoping he would answer.


"What are you doing tonight?" I asked.

"Party. Wanna go?" I knew he could here the desperation in my voice.


"Pick you up at 7."

I hung up the phone and immediately hopped into the shower. 


I grabbed another shot forcing it  down my throat.

"Drink another one Mary!"

"That's my girl!" 

I glanced down at the shot. At first, I was hesitant, but I finally gave in.

The taste was almost unbearable.

"Hot." I looked across the counter and a girl with long blonde hair that matched mine shot me a smirk. Her eyes were light brown and they pratically melted me. She had on a tight black leather jacket and skinny jeans that rounded her ass perfectly. 

I smiled back at her and she slid her way over to me.

"I've never seen someone take down shots like that. Not gonna lie, I was turned on." She pushed back the few strands of hair that were dangling in her face.

I chuckled at the compliment. "Can I have your name?"

She licked her lips. "Kelsey."

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Her smile overwhelmed me. No lie, I was intimidated.

"I'm Mary." I leaned on the counter.

"So, who are you here with?"

I looked all around the crowded kitchen. I finally found Jacob who was flirting with a beautiful Ginger. "Him. Over there." I pointed towards Jacob who shot me a wink and a thumbs up.

I could tell he wanted me to score tonight and to be honest I kind of wanted to.

"Well, I think you should be leaving with me tonight." Kelsey placed her hand on my thigh, moving in a little closer. I could smell the mint gum on her breath. My body melted under her touch.

She slightly brushed her lips against mine. Such a tease.

She grabbed my hand,

"We should continue this upstairs."

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