Something New - I Have Taylor For That

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"Babe I-I" I stuttered on my words...

"Did you know about this?" Taylor asked as she threw her phone down on the table.

"Yeah but-" My words didn't mean shit to Taylor.

"Don't!" She threw my hand off of her and stormed out the room grabbing her phone... and my heart.

Was she embarrassed to be with a girl? I thought I made her happy. Together we were unstoppable and she couldn't seem to grasp that. Spencer didn't matter to me. Although someone needed to take care of her. And by someone I mean me.

After hearing Taylor pull off, I pulled my arms through my jacket and slipped on a pair of shoes. I grabbed my phone and the keys to my dad's other car. 

I put the key in the ignition and pulled off.

What was I gonna do? I didn't know. But Spencer wasn't going to ruin the Best thing that ever happened to me.

After what seem like hours of driving, I finally pulled into Spencer's driveway. Seeing her car and my ex's. What a bitch.

I twisted the door knob and quickly walked into the house. I looked to my right to see Spencer.. making out with Chase on the sofa. I glanced at the tv and Twilight was on. 

"That's a nice way to enjoy a movie." I said leaning against the doorway in the living room. 

They both jumped up and wiped their mouths. "What are you going here?" Spencer asked buttoning her top. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to see what my stalker and my ex were doing." I shot them a sarcastic smile.

"Stalker? I think I better go." Chase said pulling on his shirt. "Now why would you do that? Don't you wanna see what your girlfriend has been up to?" I said pushing my hair out of my face.

"Chase just go." Spencer pointed towards the door. Chase walked out and  slammed the door. He loved to make dramatic exits.

"Look I don't know what you're doing here, but it's best if you leave." Spencer stood up and crossed her arms. "I rather not." I said flopping down into chair.

"Go!" Spencer shouted.

"No! You ruined this you're gonna fix this!" I stood up and stepped to Spencer. 

"Why the hell should I?"

"Because I fucking said so." By now I had a killer headache. "You don't love me Spencer. So stop acting like you do and leave me alone."

"Love makes you do crazy things." She said as she stared me in my eyes.

"I-I love Taylor. You love Chase. I'm not right for you." I broke the stare and looked down at my feet.

"I don't you need you, but I want you." 

"Yeah... Well. You can't have me." I headed for door knowing I didn't solve anything.

"Don't expect for me to be there when you fall." Spencer said softly. 

I opened the door. "I have Taylor for that." 

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