chapter 9

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Belladonna ordered her fire imps around as it was close to midnight. And where Carface and Killer were there as well.

"There's those bad dogs now." Darla said quiet enough for those around her only to hear.

"We have to leave it to Carface to stop this." Atticus whispered.

"Can't we do something?" Darla pouted to her big brother.

"Yeah, like kick some imp butt?" Cherry asked.

"Guys, this is all on Carface." Atticus said.

"Ugh, you suck..." Cherry groaned.

"We better get out of here then." Mo said.

"I just wanna make sure Carface does what he has to do." Atticus said.

"He does look guilty." Darla said as she took a look at the pit bull dog.

"Then looks like it's working." Mo said.

Carface did look guilty while Belladonna looked greedy.

"Just think," Belladonna grinned darkly. "Here sits the worst Christmas ever, and nobody suspects a thing, and it's right here on Alcatraz Island!"

The demon dog and fire imps laughed wickedly.

"Pull the tarp!" Belladonna commanded.

The demon dog and fire imps soon did so. Carface and Killer only watched with deep regret. Carface even started to remember everything he learned.

"Soon the storm will break and lightning will race down into the steam generator, then the whistle will blow, and everybody in San Francisco will fall under my spell!" Belladonna laughed wickedly, she then looked to Carface, Killer, and her fire imps. "Now get to work, slugs, it's almost midnight!"

Carface and Killer were unfortunately unable to do anything about this, at least for the moment.

"Now can we do something?" Darla begged Atticus.

"Yeah, this is totes boring..." Cherry complained.

"Alright, we can help a little." Atticus said.

"Thank you!" Cherry sounded relieved. "So, what do we do?"

"Easy, we fight off the fire imps." Atticus said.

"Should be simple enough," Darla said. "Even I could do that and I'm just a little girl."

"Let's do it then." Mo said.

The fire imps were coming together. Carface seemed guilty as he tended to Belladonna's orders. And where the giant dog whistle was soon activated.

"Oh, boy..." Darla's eyes widened.

"Let's start fighting those fire imps." Mo said.

The fire imps then spotted the intruders and started their attack. The others glared and fought the fire imps themselves.

"What is going on down there?" Belladonna glared.

"Oh, you guys are actually kinda cute, too bad I don't take kindly to that." Cherry said before she grabbed an imp by its tail and flung it right into the water.

And where it died as it was a fire imp and all. Cherry wiped her forehead.

"Just what is going on down here?" Belladonna stormed forward and glared to Atticus. "You again?!"

"Hello." Atticus smirked as he blew away the group of fire imps that were about to attack him and they flew into the ocean.

"WHY YOU!!!" Belladonna growled.

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