chapter 10

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At the Flea Bite Cafe, everyone was asleep until it started to snow. And where this got the pups excited.

Anne-Marie smiled as she looked with the dogs. "It's snowing..." she whispered in upmost delight.

'Merry Christmas, my child...' Rosie's voice whispered into her biological daughter's ears.

"Can this day get any better?" Anne-Marie asked.

"Now..." Itchy called to the singing dogs. "Now!"

The dogs were asleep, but they then woke up and they sang When We Hear a Christmas Carol as it was a very Merry Christmas in San Francisco now. David came up next to Anne-Marie with his father and step-mother and held mistletoe above her.

"Huh?" Anne-Marie looked above her.

David smiled bashfully.

"Is that mistletoe?" Anne-Marie asked.

"Yes, it is," David smiled shyly. "Abracadabra?"

Anne-Marie knew exactly what to do since the two of them were under the mistletoe. She then pulled David into a kiss and the two blushed. Charlie and Itchy smiled at their two favorite human kids were in love and sharing a wonderful Christmas tradition with them.

"I always knew those two were meant to be." Sasha smiled.

"Thanks to me." Charlie smirked.

Sasha gave him a look.

"Oh, uh, I guess you helped too," Charlie smiled shyly about their last adventure with the two kids. "I've known Squeaker longer than I knew you of course back in New Orleans."

"I guess that makes sense." Sasha said.

"Heh..." Charlie smirked.

"Uh, guys, what're we gonna do about the P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S?" Itchy asked as the puppies were starting to wake up. "We don't have any left."

"I have a feeling the presents might be coming to us." Charlie said.

"Ho, ho, ho!" a voice called out.

Everyone then saw Carface come on a sleigh with Killer pulling it like a reindeer. This was a sight no one would have ever seen coming. It shocked a lot of the others due to how they knew Carface.

"Mr. Carface?!" Anne-Marie was the most shocked since she had a horrible life with him before she was adopted by Harold and Kate.

"Wow, I did not see that coming." David said.

"Is this really happening?" Cherry asked.

"We did it!" Atticus cheered as he then grabbed her and spun her around with glee.

"Please let me go." Cherry begged.

"Sorry." Atticus then lowered her.

"Jerk." Cherry narrowed her eyes.

"Anyways, let's enjoy the holiday." Mo said.

Patch, Colette, and even Timmy came.

"Uncle Carface gave back enough money for my operation!" Timmy beamed to the others.

"And not just you, kid; I also gave Patch enough money for his operation as well." Carface smiled.

"Thanks a lot, Uncle Carface." Patch smiled back.

"Uncle Carface?" Charlie and Atticus asked in surprise.

"That's something none of us ever would have seen coming." Mo said.

The others shook their heads as Carface and Killer were being good dogs and giving presents for everyone.

"Gabriel bless us, everyone!" Timmy beamed.

"Just like the Christmas Carol." Mo smiled.

"How cliche..." Cherry muttered quietly.

"This is great." Patch smiled.

"If you say so..." Cherry shrugged.

"Merry Christmas!" Carface beamed. "Merry Christmas!"

And it was a very Merry Christmas that year and there were many more to come after.

"The End." Strudel then said as she closed the storybook.

All the pups seem to fall asleep.

"Aww..." Strudel smiled as the book was put away.

Cookie and Lucky smiled softly to the puppies and kissed them all good night.

"They sure are precious when they're asleep." Colette whispered.

"Definitely," Patch whispered back in agreement. "Especially that one." he then let out a gentle giggle to the spotted blonde puppy who had come from Oddball and Budderball.

"That one is so much like them." Colette smiled.

"Indeed..." Patch agreed. "Remember they both realized they were the ones for each other?"

"'We're both balls'!" Patch and Colette then gently called out and chuckled, remembering when Oddball and Budderball had their first date together.

"Sure wish I could have been there to see it." Lucky said.

"It was so adorable and sweet." Patch smiled to his father figure since he had first joined Puppy School and ended up becoming a Pound Puppy.

"How is little Oddball doing then?" Lucky then asked as they let the puppies get some sleep after their story from Strudel.

"She's doing great with Budderball." Patch smiled.

"That girl's always been a good one," Lucky smiled back. "Rebound and Cupcake really loved her when you brought her for a visit that one time."

"Well, she did become a Pound Puppy." Patch smiled.

"I admired her strength," Lucky replied. "She also told me how much she wanted to be like you when she grew up."

"Well, I was kind of a role model to her." Patch smiled.

"Indeed you were," Colette smiled back to her mate. "She's a sweetheart too."

"She sure is." Patch smiled.

The dalmatian and cocker spaniel then went to their own space for sleeping.

"Night, guys." Lucky smiled as he then went to join Cookie.

The two muttered out their good nights and went to get some sleep themselves.

The End

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