Chapter 8 ~*I'd rather be alone*

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Zane PoV

I clench my fists and walks away, chuckling to myself slightly. I leave Travis to stand in the hall way confused and surprised.

I turn the corner and start to ball my eyes out.

I look around the corner to see him talking with Dante. My face loses all color as I fall to my knees, I put my hands over my eyes and begin to cry even more. Even better is that no one seems to notice, or they don't care.

I'm back to square one.




Plain old Zane.

I stand up and start to run through the busy halls, pushing past everyone. Hearing faint 'heys!?' And 'Watch where you are going nerd'. I then bump into Gene, not now, not here.

He looks at me and begins to laugh, mentally breaking myself further. I continue to run away, I hear Gene yell "Why don't you just die Zane!?".

No! I won't give up yet! Not now! I can't, I-I just can't.

I continue to run, tripping over my own feet as I do. I trip and fall to the ground, I twist my ankle pretty bad.

"You okay? Oh...its you" the person scowls, I look up to see my class mate Aphmau. She kneels down and helps me up, she walks away without uttering another word. I couldn't even thank her, I see her walk up to Garroth and Laurence and point at me. I see her mouth 'loser' and 'Asshole'. More tears drip down my face as I look at my own brother, who is laughing at me. I cry and continue to sprint off.

Maybe Gene is rig- Zane no! You are strong you can do this.

I take the bag I have off my back and look for my phone. I pull it out to see text messages from Travis. I red them as I put the bag back onto my back. After reading them I look up. I drop my phone and my eyes swell up with tears, my hands shake and so do my knees. I feel dizzy, even worse, worthless.

Gene is right, I'm in the way. I should just die. I should die as soon as possible.

I should die now.

My hands clench as tears blur my vision. All I can see now is Katelyn and Travis.


3rd POV

Zane whips around and sprints away from the saddening display of fake affection. Travis didn't want to kiss Katelyn, Dante 'accidentally' pushed Travis on to Katelyn, causing their lips to meet. Travis saw the sadness in Zane's eyes, not just sadness though. Suicidal sadness.

Travis PoV

I run after Zane after yelling at Dante telling him and basically everyone in he hall way that I was gay and was in love with Zane. Dante didn't look too mad but still looked a bit disappointed.

I continue to sprint and go to his usual spot, he isn't here? Where would he be?

If I am right about him feeling suicidal then he must be- Oh my Irene! I have to get there before its too late.

I sprint through the halls and up he many flights of stairs. I climb up a ladder and pull myself onto the roof. I see Zane walking towards the side of the roof, and putting his feet by the edge.

Zane you idiot!

I run towards him and right before he is about to jump I pull him into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his lower middle body and pull him away from the roof. His eyes widen as I turn him around to face me.

"You idiot! What were you thinking!? You could've died!" I basically yell. His eyes fill up with more tears as he stares me right in the eyes.

"Good! I want to die! I've wanted to die since I came here. I am nothing if I don't have you by my side! I feel like shit every time you leave me for someone else! I am plain, over emotional Zane! I just want to leave his horrible world!"

"Stop being so selfish!" I snap, tears dripping down my face.

"If you died what would I have done!? Knowing I would be the cause of your death, I wouldn't be able to live with myself! Because... Because"

"See you have no reasons to be friends with me"


His eyes widen as I pull him into a passionate kiss. He kisses back but pulls away, he looks at me with a mixture of sad and love in his eyes.

"Sorry I can't be with you!" He says, wiping his tears away.


"Because, I would just hurt you in he end... I don't know how to love, or feel anything but hatred" He says sadly.

"Then what do you feel for me?" I ask.

"I don't know. But it makes me nervous everyday..." He mumbles.


"Yes Travis"

"You're in love with me" I inform him.

"I may be in love with you, and I may want to be with you. But in the end I'd rather be alone, or even better...die...goodbye Travis.... Please don't talk to me ever again"

And with that he walks away from me.

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