Chapter 11 ~*Besties, Best Bud Or Best Friend?

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Zane P.O.V

"Hey why don't we get inside, the party is for you" Blaze says rather loudly, breaking the silence. I sigh and stand up.

"I guess you're right, it'd be rude of me to not show up at all..." I hesitate, waiting for Blaze to stand. Once he stands up I notice how the moon made his eyes shimmer, I hate to admit this but Blaze is quite attractive. Shaking my head, getting rid of the thought I let Blaze lead me inside. The door creaks open and the music blasts loudly, but it seemed as if everyone had quit the drinking. Smart idea. I don't want to be the only sober one at a party after all. Aphmau sees me from the corner of her eye, and she skipped over to me happily. Her face is tinted pink, she gives me a big hug. My body became stiff, and of course I didn't hug back. I'm not a fan of physical contact.

Pulling away her eyes became teary, I am a tad bit confused.

"I'm sorry I was so awful to you. I feel horrible" she mumbles, tears streamed down her face. Shaking my hands in front of my chest I laugh slightly, showing it was okay.

"It's fine, if I were you I'd be rude to me too" I sigh, looking away. She shakes her head and grabs both my wrists, making me flinch.

"Just accept my apology!" She snaps playfully, nodding I pull my hands away.

"Want to put the past behind us? We can have lunch together, and walk to school, and be besties!!" Aphmau cheers like a child, shrugging in response I looks away. The small potato is nudged out of the way, by a taller male. 

"Sorry Alpha! But I'm Zane's best bud!" I hear a familiar voice say, looking up I see Blaze stand there with a confident smile. A white haired male pops up from behind Blaze, emerald eyes glaring at Blaze's. Oh it's Travis, I was wondering where he was. 

"Uh no. I've known Zane the longest so we're best friends" Travis says, butting into our conversation. They start to argue about who is going to be my best friend, to be honest I couldn't care in the least. But are they really going to fight...over me? Strange, it gives me a happy sort of feeling, but at the time makes me feel worse about myself. I couldn't make any of these people happy, I can't even make myself happy. 

Sighing I turn to the door, and leave the party. I was only there for 5 minutes and I hated it. I'm glad that I patched things up with Aphmau though, now I don't have to worry about her and her friends making me feel like shit anymore.

Walking home I hear footsteps echo under my feet, it's dark out. Stars shimmer, the moon gleams and I am content and calm. The night is so peaceful, I decide to take the long route home and go through the park. Walking towards the park I hear the pitter patter of rain hitting the cement. As the rain got heavier I became colder, shivering slightly. 

Suddenly the thunder booms, and lighting strikes are seen. Running to the nearest over hang my feet splash through puddles. I sit on the cement under the overhang of a Subway. 

Damn I wish I had money I'm craving some yoga mat bread with shitty meat toppings also known as a subway sandwich. 

I sit under the overhang for about 10 minutes, but the rain refuses to let up. I feel someone kicking at my feet, looking up I see Travis. He had a great, big smile and he was soaking wet. He sits beside me, crossing his legs and letting his back rest against the stone wall.

"Y'know, you really shouldn't run off in the rain all on your lonesome..." He hesitates, looking at me.

"It took me a whole 10 minutes to find you" Travis laughed slightly, I couldn't help but join in on the laughing. 

"Oh my apologies for wasting your precious time~" I say sarcastically, smiling from beneath the mask. He chuckles.

"Be glad the rain didn't ruin my beautiful face" Travis says, sounding silly.

"Oh no what would I've done if I knew I ruined your handsome face" I continue to stay sarcastic, he laughs more and he snorts while he laughs. Before Travis could reply footsteps approach us, at first the figure is dark but then I notice Blaze standing above us.

"Hey Blaze!" I say, sounding somewhat cheery. I stand up, and Travis soon follows.

"Hey" Travis says, not even addressing him. Travis also sounded somewhat pissed off, what's his deal? 

Blaze doesn't utter a word, instead he just shoves his umbrella towards my chest, making me stumble a bit. I clutch the umbrella and give Blaze a confused look. He just sighs and turns around, beginning to walk away from us. He brings his hand up in the air, signalling he was waving bye.

"See you at school tomorrow" He yelled rather loudly, still not turning around to look at us. How weird.

I pop open the umbrella and share it with Travis, walking home along side him. He soon leaves to go into his house and I walk home. I walk inside and take off my shoes, seeing the water dripping from them. I close the umbrella and bring it upstairs, I sit on my bed and stare at it. 

"Why would he lend me this?"

Blaze P.O.V 

I see Travis and Zane talking to each other in front of the Subway, under the overhang. I'm not sure why but seeing them laughing together makes me a little jealous, probably just an overprotective werewolf thing. I clench my umbrella and look mainly at Zane, who is soaking wet. Shaking my head I walk over to the two. Hearing Zane's laugh close up makes me feel as if I ate 10 billion fireflies. 

"Hey Blaze!" Zane sounds cheery, did Travis make him this happy.

"Hey..." Travis seems pissed off with me, did I do something wrong? That argument about being Zane's best bud was all for fun right, no feelings were hurt?

I shove the umbrella over to Zane a little to forcefully, to embarrassed to talk I walk away.

"See you at school tomorrow" With that I wave good bye.

I'm not sure why. But that small emo dude made his way into my head, and now I can't get him out of it.

Am I insane?


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