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The constant ringing coming from your phone began to irritate you from your deep sleep. Expecting it to be your alarm you swiped it to the left and snuggled in your warm blanket. A second later your phone ringed which made you sit right up and check your phone to see Seungkwan calling you. Right in a flash you answered it,

"Hello?" your voice croaked which made you embarrassed since you forgot to clear your throat before picking up the call.

You hear him laughing at the other end which caused you to hang your head down in embarrassment.

"I guess you just woke up huh? Yah! You were supposed to help me pack too, don't tell me you forgot?"

"N-no! I remember very well I'm just having a slight cough!" You said as you faked a cough.

"Ahh.. It's so obvious you just woke up, you didnt make any promise to help me pack I was just shitting around. Anyway, hurry wash up and help me please?"

You awkwardly laughed and agreed to help him out. His house was just a bus stop away anyway so you didn't really have to rush much. You managed to get breakfast and packed some sandwiches for Seungkwan as well.

"I'll be heading to Minhyun's house so don't worry about me too much okay mom?" You bid farewell to your mother with a kiss on her cheek and headed for Seungkwan's house.

You couldn't really tell your mom you were heading to Seungkwan's or she'd freak out so you lied to her saying you were heading to your cousin's house but truthfully you were heading there afterwards so it didnt mean much.

Luck was on your side as the bus arrived just as you reached the bus stop.

The journey didn't take long and soon enough you were standing right at his doorstep. You breathed in and knocked on his door as hard as you could. After the second knock the door opened to reveal a smiling Seungkwan.

"Took you long enough to reach. Come in, there's not much to pack so you'll just help with the labelling I guess?"

You nodded your head and stepped into his house. His house wasn't that big but it felt really comfortable and that made you smile which made him smile too.

"So what do I have to label?" You asked as you scanned the few boxes laid infront of you.

He handed you two of the boxes filled with books and some photo albums. You sat down making yourself comfortable and grabbed the marker and tape to label the boxes. A big brown vintage looking photo album stood out and being curious you browsed through the contents. Page by page it was filled with pictures of Seungkwan from a young age till this very day. A picture of Seungkwan crying over his spilt milk got you cracking up, next to the picture was another picture of him crying with a dress on which made you burst out laughing even more.

"Hey! Hey! What's so funny here??" He came stomping next to you and snatched the album away.  A bright shade of pink covered his plump cheeks.

"Aww, look at little Seungkwannie getting all flustered over his baby pictures. You look cute in a dress by the way." You jokingly winked at him and chuckled as you wrapped up the last box and stood up.

"Ah! Right, I bought some banana milk and sandwiches from home. Want one?" You offered him the extra bottle with the sandwich and smiled.

"Stop smiling so much, it's making me weak." He mumbled as he sipped on his drink.

You heard what he was saying and at that moment your heart and brain were going crazy. You breathed in and out trying to calm yourself down. This boy was definitely something.

The both of you finally headed to your cousins house a minute later and your whole ride was really quiet. Just as you were about to close your eyes you felt a weight on your shoulder, you tilted your head to see Seungkwan sleeping soundly on your shoulder. He probably didn't sleep at all. You let him sleep peacefully and felt a little playful so you took out your phone and snapped a picture.

"Sleepyhead kwan ☻" you typed and sent the snap to Seungkwan himself.

You brushed his bangs aside and smiled at how cute he really looked. The cab arrived at your cousin's place and the both of you unloaded the trunk. You thanked the driver as Seungkwan paid him. You phoned your cousin and soon enough he came down to help out.

"Look at my little girl all grown up now!" Minhyun said as he hugged you and pinched your cheeks.

You swatted his arm away and glared at him. You just met him two days ago why is he acting like he hasn't seen you in ages. You carried a box and walked ahead to the lift. Once you reached his level you quickly turned to the left since the atmosphere was too awkward in the lift.

"Oi! Where are you heading to? Omo, look who's all shy she even forgot where her favourite cousin lives!"

You turned around and walked the other direction to his apartment. Seungkwan let out a laugh and your cheeks reddened. Minhyun led Seungkwan to his room and showed him around the apartment. Once he was done, Seungkwan went to unpack his things and you decided to help out.

"Hey where do you want me to place your textbooks?" You questioned him as you neatly took out the books from the box.

"Umm place it on the table there. He said I can use that as my study table." You nodded and followed his instructions.

Soon enough, the both of you were done unpacking. Just as you stood up, Seungkwan did too and he walked towards you. He was getting closer and closer and your legs were frozen, you couldn't move at all. He was now so close to you, you can feel his breath. You shut your eyes tight out of instinct and the next moment you heard him laughing. Your eyes shot open to see him laughing with glee at your reaction. You then realised he was just placing an album on the shelf. Out of embarrassment you stormed out of the room not realising Minhyun was infront which made you bump into him.

"Watch where you're going slender man." You hissed as you went to the kitchen to grab a cool cup of water.

You went to sit at the sofa and soon you felt a presence next to you. You didn't want to face him yet. It was still embarrassing and you felt stupid for thinking he was going to kiss you.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that right?" Seungkwan apologised and shifted himself so he was closer to you.

You just ignored him and continued to sip on your water. Just as you were about to take the second sip your head was shifted to face Seungkwan. His face was really close just like the previous time. Only this time, you quickly turned your head to the front which failed since he used his fingers to hold onto your chin.

"If you want to, I can really do it. Hyung is in the washroom anyway." He smirked and that left your brain to stop functioning.

"So what will be little miss flustered's answer?"

-lolol you guys prob hate me for saying i'd update soon but take 1000 years to update :'-) here is chapter 5 and i'll upload chp 6 tmr ;-) cos i feel the need to make up for my empty promises. i have been nuest trash lately does anyone relate? 🙈

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