Whatever the last chapter was called [part 2]

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so like 3 years later I'm here to complete this two part ficlette

frick i don't even remember what happened last chapter i need to refresh myself jfc i have horrible memory

also you see me editing these parts bc i have to change gee's pronouns


K so these nerds are on their way to find who killed Gerard.

Just in case anyone else forgot like me.

So the dorks are walking to some forest area bc that's where Gerard got killed bc ooh spoopy amirite.

"So where are we going?" Spencer had to ask since Brendon never tells him anything ever.

"We're going to wherever this Gerard kid was killed," Brendon sort of explained even though it told Spencer absolutely nothing.

"Yeah but like...where," Spencer tried asking again even though he knew it probably wouldn't work.

"Death place of Gee kid," Brendon said bc apparently he thought the problem wasn't his inadequate answer, it was the fact that Spencer didn't understand him.

"Yeah but where" he tried one more time.

"The place they were killed," jfc Brendon you're so stupid why am I writing you in like this?





"I swear to god if you guys don't stop fighting I'm going to turn both of you just so you have to deal with living with each other for eternity," Pete interjected because these two were annoying af with their constant fighting.

This snapped both Spencer and Brendon to their senses because wow it would really suck to have to be together fighting for one full eternity.

So yeah they shut up pretty quickly.

When they were nearing the forest, Pete stopped dead in his tracks.

"I smell something."

"Sorry, I had a burrito for lunch toda-"

"Not you, idiot."

Brendon was kind of taken aback because Pete called him an idiot. I mean, so did everyone else, but Brendon had just met Pete earlier today so he thought it wasn't very fair.

Pete then quickly ran behind a tree that was a little ways away.

"What the heck is your problem?" Spencer asked.

"Hunters" was all that Pete said before three other guys who all looked around Pete's age came into view.

The tallest one looked like a complete fucking dork with his hair and posture and all and the shortest one looked gayer than Brendon.

The only semi-normal one was the one with longer hair and glasses.

When they noticed Spencer and Brendon, they all had different reactions.

Well the tall and short ones had similar reactions but the other guy's was different.

The short one with the hat walked closer to the tall one and almost stood behind him, the tall one's eyes widened and he looked really scared, and the normal one looked like he just sighed in relief.

The normal one walked up to Brendon and Spencer while the other two stayed behind trying to get him to come back.

Meanwhile Pete was still lurking behind a tree.

"Finally some other type of life," the duderino said once he got within their earshot.

"Yeah, um what are you doing roaming this forest in the middle of the day? Don't you guys have school?" Spencer asked.

"No. Well, I don't, they do," he said, gesturing to the other two. "I'm Andy."

"I'm Spencer and this is Brendon," Spencer introduced, choosing to exclude Pete from this list as he was still behind the tree.

Suddenly, the other two boys walked over to Brendon and Spencer. The tall one whispered something to Andy and he just gave him a look and said "no".

Then he turned back to Brencer and said "This is Joe and the one hiding behind him is Patrick."

Patrick looked at them and waved while Joe just stared.

"Okay well now that that's all squared out what the fu-"

"Brendon don't be mean-"

"-ck are you doing on the death sight of Gerard Way? None of you look like professionals, and you're all way too young to even pretend to be professionals." Brendon finished.

Andy went to speak but Joe interrupted. "You don't look very old either. Are you sure you're professionals?"

Brendon looked like he was about to blow a casket. "Listen here punk-"

"What Brendon means to say is that we are from the FBI but we've only been here for like two weeks. But for some reason we got assigned a case that was so hard the senior agents couldn't even do it," Spencer lied.

Joe kind of gave Brendon a suspicious look and Brendon flicked him off.

"Wait wait back up," Patrick said. "What do you mean by death sight of Gerard Way? Gee's dead?"

"Yes Patrick, he's been dead for months, that's why we're here, remember?" Andy explained.

"No! No one ever tells me anything," he trailed off and looked down.

"Anyways, we're here because we're hunters. Specifically vampire hunters," Andy said.

Spencer's eyes widened and Brendon silently said "oh".

"What?" Andy asked, looking around.

"N-nothing, nothing-"

"It's just that...uh..."

"Our report-"

"Yeah the report, it uh-

"It says stuff about-"

"It mentions-"

"Vampires," they both finished at the same time.

The three hunters in front of them gave them weird looks. Now they looked super suspicious since they were stuttering over each other.

Suddenly, something started beeping and Patrick pulled something out of his pocket.

The thing in his hand was flashing in unison with the beeps.

All three of the hunters now looked towards them with serious looks.

"Are you guys...?"

Spencer's eyes widened as he figured out what they were about to ask.

"No no no, we're not vampires. You can even check us. See? No fangs," Spencer said as he showed them his teeth. Then he nudged Brendon and whispered "Show them your teeth."

"No, that's weird-"


"Fine," Brendon complied.

Andy looked at them a little longer before taking the device from Patrick's hand.

"If you guys aren't vampires then that means there's one in this forest," Andy said quietly before walking off, Patrick and Joe closely behind.

Once they had left earshot, Pete came out from behind the trees.

"How did they even see us?" Brendon asked.

"Hunters have similar properties to vampires, they can see time-travelers too. They just can't see that you are time-travelers," Pete explained.

"Okay, then how did they not pick up on you earlier with their device thingy?" Spencer shot out.

"Because I'm not stupid and I know how to hide my scent in public places. There must be an amateur vampire somewhere."

Brendon, Pete, and Spencer all went on in silence to try and solve this case.

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