Kindergarten and First Grade.

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I lived in a small house growing up and it was hard for me to fit in with my two sisters. They where total divas and I was a COMPLETE tomboy. To this day they are five-four years older than me. One dropped out of school an the other is ready to graduate. They both want to either be a dolphin trainer or an Instagram model. I don't really know why though. Anyways I also had two brothers I fit in well with. We played video games (mostly Wild Arms but I don't remember it that well) and had a lot of fan/ role play accounts on social media. One day when I was four, my mom sent me to kindergarten! At the time I lived in Indiana so I went to Creekside (or geekside as many people called it lol). I don't remember most of my teachers but I remember Mrs.Dawson which was my Kindergarten teacher. She loved me the most (she would always pick me as a favorite like as an example and stuff) and as much as she liked everyone else, I was her favorite. One day I turned five and she gave me a goody bag full of pencils and candy and an extra Hershey's bar (king size) and he also gave me a book which I atill have to this day. It was "Charlottes Web" and I was so smart, I was the best reader she said she had in two years.  Anyways when I went to first grade, it was hard for me to open up. I guess it was because my teacher was always there for me. I was not used to opening up to people since I hadn't learned it my first year of school. I had one friend and her name was Autumn Summers. Ironic right? Lol anyways she was really the only friend I had made in kindergarten. She threw herself at me and I wasn't used to that, living with people that also hadn't opened up very well. On the second week of first grade, my friend autumn told me something important. She was moving to Canada.  I was too young to find out what that meant. One day, she stopped showing up. She didn't come to school and I was starting to get worried. Did she really leave me? How could she? She was the only friend I had and now she's gone?
Questions raced through that thick head of mine, but I wasn't going to let myself think that she was gone. I waited for her at the car, I waited for her at lunch, I waited for her in the hallway, I even waited in the bathroom. Hell, I was so stupid! It was then I realized, the ones you love most are going to leave one day. And after a year I finally got it through my thick head that she was never coming back for a pathetic asshole like myself. The rest of the year, I didn't make any friends. It was kinda my cursed year.

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