Second and Third Grade

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I moved on from my life without Autumn (just barely) and went to second grade. I never told my mom about my problems with friends. She never knew about it. But it was also hard for me to open up in second grade. One day, a girl named Molly Lusk threw herself out there and she started talking to me.  Why me? What was so interesting about me hat she just HAD to become friends with me? She said the words I would never forget,"Hi! What's your name? I'm Molly!" She was the friendliest, most unselfish person I ever met. We still are friends and we've never once fought about something besides one thing; who had the most candy. She was the only friend I had so I made sure to stay close to her at all costs. Then, when I was in the third grade, I was moving. I told Molly and she completely spazzed out. We where moving to the same place! Apparently our moms had become close friends when that where kids and decided to become neighbors! We moved together and where super duper happy!

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