Annoying Much?

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Natsu's POV

"Hey guys!" I yelled as I ran down the hall. People's expressions turned from happiness to annoyance soon as they saw me, but I didn't pay it any mind. I found myself almost tripping on my shoe laces as I made my way to the other end of the hall.  

I was wearing my favorite outfit today. Red converses, with white pants, and a red hoodie. My hoodie was one of a kind, only because it was signed by the one and only Fairy Tail. Fairy tail was only my absolute favorite band! This is my second most prized possession in the world, following my white scarf that I always had on me.

"" I said out of breath from my sprint across the hallway. I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. While looking at the ground I found myself starring at two pairs of shoes in front of me. Brown vans, and black boots with yellow trimming.

I looked up and smiled to my best friends Sting and Rouge. Well, more like my only friends. I had three classes with them though sometimes they were a little rude. When we were little, we used to hang out all the time, but over the years I felt stuck in time. It was like I couldn't get over what people called my 'childish phase'. I tried to act normal, but I would go back to normal in a blink of an eye.

"Tch. What do you want faggot?" Sting sneered.

"Hehe, funny Sting!" I nervously laughed. Sometimes I didn't know if he was joking or serious, but it really hurt when they said stuff like that. I mean they were my friends....right? Sure I had pin- SALMON hair, and I wasn't really into girls that much, but I'm not gay. End of discussion.  

"So, shall we get to class?" I said while raising my eyebrow. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and held a smirk on my face. The twin brothers rolled their eyes as they strolled in front of me. They had this weird rule that they would never walk behind me. I didn't know why, and I never questioned it. I was just glad that anyone would walk with me...kind of.

My first period was science with Mr.Guidarts. As he made his way over to his desk, I felt the pressure in the room rise as he looked intently at the class. "Listen up! We have a new student today, so don't pull any crazy shit since I have all this new paperwork to fill out!"  Mr.Guildarts let out a long sigh as he looked at his mountain of papers to fill.

 "Free period!" He said as he through his arms up in defeat. Believe me, he wasn't the one to call defeat for anything except work. 

All the students in the room cheered as Mr.Guildarts motioned for someone out of the class to come in. I leaned over my seat as a teenage boy slipped through the door. His hair was such a dark blue, you could call it black. He had a 'cool' type of expression on his face. 

He wore black pants that we're tucked into a pair of black combat boots that stopped a few inches above the ankle. He had a cross on a metal necklace chain. He wore a simple white hoodie with a  black symbol on the top left shoulder. My heart stopped when I looked closer at the it. Fairy Tail.  I was ecstatic that someone else was interested with their music!

But there was a reason not many people listened to them.

They were a gay band.

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