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Natsu POV

The break in between classes was too short, but somehow I found myself with a black eye by the time second period started. I guess Laxus was still pretty hung up about earlier.

I made sure that the new kid, Gray, wasn't in my next class and thankfully he wasn't. I was currently taking, Mr.Justine's AP English. One of the many college credit classes that I was enrolled in, and acing as well. Justine's class was pretty laid back, sure he was strict about cell phone use while he was teaching, but when we were taking notes from the textbook, we could listen to music.

Jamming out to my dank ass tunes, I didn't notice as miss prim and popular came up behind me. "Heyyyyyy, Natsu." Her voice sounded like a cat drowning in water, just hearing it made me mentally cringe.

"Yes, Lisanna?" I said giving my best fake smile. She traced her outrageously long fake nails across my shoulders as she slid a packet of papers onto my desk. If she was paying attention, she would've noticed how I deflated at seeing the mass of math that I was just assigned to. But all she did was give an awkwardly high giggle before going back to her friend group of equally snobby friends and jocks.

Giving out a huff, I reluctantly started on the work, determined to get it done by tomorrow. But I got side tracked and found myself doodling over Evergreens chemistry homework. Hearing the bell ring all too quickly I scrambled to grab my stuff before setting out for lunch.

Dragging my feet into the lunch line, I grabbed a Jalapeno Cheeseburger before setting out to the courtyard, where I had lunch everyday. Once finding my spot under my favorite cherry blossom tree, I dug into my hamburger.

"What in the blue fuck am I supposed to do with all this damn mayonnaise."

I almost spit out my Capri-sun at the random, but comedic sentence that came from someone on the other side of the tree trunk. Trying not to be noticed, I slowly turned around the tree and saw dark blue hair.

Isn't that, Gray, form earlier? I cursed under my breath, causing a small amount of chewed cheeseburger to spray form my mouth. I was okay with sharing the other side of the tree, but not to some cold-hearted jackass.

Grumbling at my lose of appatite, I rummaged my stuff together and started walking to my AP Studio Art class. Careful not to get noticed by Gray, I trudged through the halls with an empty stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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