6. You're Just So Cute When You Get Mad

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I let myself collapse as soon as I am close enough to my bed. I know that Marcus has done the same, because I hear the slam of his door as he heads in for the night. We're all exhausted, and I'd sleep if Brendon weren't pacing back and forth in my room like a mad man. I don't think his brain will allow him to be tired.

"Brendon, just come to bed. We can talk about it later," I say with a mighty yawn.

He holds eye contact with me before replying. "No, I want to make this right."

"You don't need to make anything right," I groan, turning on my back. "I'm tired. I just want to sleep. Can't you let this go for now?"

"I don't want to go to bed holding you in my arms when all I can think about is how much I don't deserve to hold you in my arms. I have to fix this."

"Why are you so stubborn?" I whine. He looks at me blankly, probably thinking about what to say. "Hey, listen to me." He widens his eyes and his eyebrows perk up, giving me his full attention. "I love you, okay? I know tonight was a lot to handle but it doesn't change anything. Just relax."

"But you don't get it, I feel terrible. I've been such a bad boyfriend, I'm not sure why you aren't screaming at me right now. Lilypad, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have accused you so quickly... That was such a bad decision on my part."

"It's okay. I'll admit I was pretty hurt but I knew it wasn't you... Jeanine has a way of corrupting people."

"But it still was me. I don't know why I did it, honestly. I never would have done that if it weren't for... Well, I don't know what it was that made me do it."

"Jeanine." I roll my eyes at how obvious it is.

"You're probably right. I never should have believed anything she said about you," he huffs as he sits at the edge of my bed.

"Wait... What did she say about me?" I prop myself up on my elbows. He looks to me with doe-wide eyes, realizing he said something he shouldn't have.

"She really got to me whenever we argued. Actually, the first time we argued at my school, she added fuel to the fire. She repetitively told me you were in the wrong, no matter how much I denied it. Eventually, it worked. And when I would realize that you were right, she'd do the same thing. I'm so damn blind." He buries his face in his hands and shakes his head.

"You aren't blind, she's just manipulative. It's a good thing we caught on early."

"I should have listened to Coby and Beth."

"You didn't have much time to do anything about that, Brendon." I sit up next to him and drape my arms across his figure, resting my chin on his shoulder.

He gazes into my eyes, then explores my face with his green eyes. His expression widens and he turns his body towards me. "You have a huge bump on your forehead."

I pull away and graze my fingers over the bump. "Oh, yeah. That's from headbutting that perv."

Brendon's expression softens. "I'm sorry I couldn't rip him to pieces myself."

"It's okay. I handled it on my own."

"You're right... You did handle it on your own. You defended yourself." A wave of realization hits us both, and I can't help the smile from spreading across my cheeks.

"I did! I really did it!" I crashed onto him, making us fall backwards. We giggled and snickered, the smile never leaving our lips.


"God, it smells like ass in here." Beth pinches her nose and gags.

"You have no spirit!" I pout, jutting my lower lip out and glaring at her.

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