Dinner plans

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"You have to switch outfits with me. Ive always hated the color red, and you obviously got the best color, blue wiggle! So do it, or else I will tell yellow wiggle what you did to purple wiggle." Red wiggle tells blue wiggle with an evil smirk on his face.

"You are so evil red.... OkAY ILL DO IT FINE!" Blue wiggle wasn't too sure about this, but he had to do what he had to do.

Red wiggle laughs dramatically, twirling around and floating the air as his eyes, hair, and outfit turn blue. Blue wiggle watches intensely, amazed, and terrified. He felt a tingling sensation run down his spine as his outfit, eyes, and hair turns red. Fire truck red.

"This isn't too bad, it actually makes me moobs look bigger...." Blue wiggle claps his hand 5 times then places his hands on his hips.

Red laughs at blue. "oh blue, my moobs are way better...." Red stopped mid sentence as he looks down and sees his moobs have... Shrunken. (Dun dun dun)

"Well dear wiggles.... WhAT HAS HAppened to me? B... Blue?" When red looks up, blue is no where to be seen. Reds eyes widen as big as the moon, he is completely mind blown. Blue eyes start to fill with tears... Red wiggles blue eyes.

"Oh I have just made a big mistake... Yellow is going to be so mad.. OH MY WIGGLES! I'm not red wiggle anymore... My name is BLUE." Red wiggle stands confused. Suddenly, the phone rings through the silent apartment.

Red cautiously answers, "who the FRICK is this!?"

"Hey there red. Or should I say blue? Mwahahaha, scared yet?"

Red hung up the phone. He knew exactly who it was, he recognized that voice all too well.

The ghost of purple wiggle.

Hello my fellow wigglies. I've been gone for a while because I wanted to really think this chapter out. It changes the whole game. Definitely worth the wait. Am I right ladies:-) comment what you think I luv to hear from you:--) see u laters!

Blue No Moobs Wiggle(The Wiggles fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now