A little lie

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We all stood silently as the file drops into the floor.

"Rick.." I said

Everyone is in utter silent until Monomi arrives

"Guys.. I'm sorry you all have to experience this" she said
"Shut up" Hiro shouted
"Gaaah! I'm sorry!" Monomi waved her wand that has a Monokuma head.

And it all.. Sent us..

To the Class Trial!

"Puhuhuhu welcome everyone to our SECOND CLASS TRIAL!" Monokuma said happily
"Why are you so happy?!" Alene asked angrily
"Because we all get to reach this part of life once again!" He said
"Ugh! Let's just get over this quickly so we can uncover the truth about those photos!" I said

The uneasiness grows on us more as everyone doubts everyone..

Questions keep on coming to my head..

Who killed Rick?
Is the file real or not?
Why do we have to suffer?

Those can only be answered with this..

"So.. Rick was found.. At the.." Nikki tried to say
"He was found at the forest! Geez! He was hanged and gauges of cuts are found within his body!" Ryan snickered
"Gaaah I'm so sorry!" Nikki said
"Well.. Those wounds can be inflicted by something sharp.. And the rope used can be found at each of our rooms.. So anyone could have done it" Jan sais
"Wait.. A Rope each in our room?" I asked
"Oh right.. When we first went to the beach for the first time.. Monomi announced a rope within our rooms.. Maybe that's the time you and Lark went exploring somewhere" Alene said
"Wait.. What do you mean by exploring somewhere?!" Monomi asked angrily
"Nowhere.. Anyways.. If there is only one rope.. We can go back to each of our room and check!" Lark suggested
"DENIED." Monokuma suddenly said
"Aw.." Lark said
"If I accepted it.. Wouldn't be this trial difficultly easy?" He said laughing
"Ugh! Anyways.. Those wounds! It must be a knife!" Mikz said
"A knife.. It must be found in the kitchen" Hiro said
"Does anyone traded something for you last night Hiro?" Alene asked
"No.. None.. I guess nobody trusts my trade anymore since of what happened at the first case.." He said sadly
"Ugh! With those insufficient clues, we cannot find the culprit!" I said
"No! We have a lead!" Sabel said

We all looked towards her.

"I've been thinking about it lately, to be honest.. I WAS Spying Aren and Alene last night.."
"WHAT?!" Alene shouted
".. And for about an hour in the beach, when Aren fall asleep, Alene rushed out for a while for about 30 minutes.. The time of the murder, and went back afterwards" Sabel said
"He..hey! Don't accuse me of that! It's just total coincidence!" Alene said
"It's just a testimony, don't get rushed up! But since you ARE affected, I guess you done it!" Sabel pointed her finger at Alene!

Wait.. What?! No! It's not possible that.. Alene is the culprit.. Right? We were together last night.. We have perfect alibis..

"Alene.. You were the last person who is not Rick's bestfriend.. He must have been trying to get your attention as you are the Ultimate Heartthrob and you ignored him until you are at the point of killing him!" Pat explained
"No! That's all false accusation!" Alene said
"Yeah! I support her! I'm with her all the time! It's impossible!" I said
"Just as I said, you FELL ASLEEP! She got up by that time!" Sabel said
"No! It's not true!" Alene said

The trial has lead itself to Alene

"I think that's enough talking.. Let's vote to get this over with" May suddenly said

Everyone nodded and pulled the lever..

No! I have to stop them!


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