Pieces connecting each other

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"NIKKI!!!" Alene screamed as she ran towards Nikki's body and hugged it.

Sabel is mortified to see her bestfriend dead. How could this have happened?!

"Puhuhuhu this brings the remaining ultimates to 7! Puhuhu and later, to 6!" Monokuma said in happiness.
"YOU ARE CRAZY!" Alene screamed
"Puhuhu I might well as be"

Monokuma wiggles out of the way as he drops a thick book.

I grabbed it, blew away the dust on the cover and saw..

"The Truth of Everything?" I said curiosly
"Maybe .. It has the details of the murder!" Lark suggested
"I'm a trader! I'll analayze it!"

Hiro was about to grab it when the book suddenly becomes hot, burning Hiro!

"AAAAW!" Hiro screamed
"Ho.. How is that even possible?!" Mikz asked
"Maybe.. I am the only one who can open this" I said

I silently opened the book and there I saw..

Class A Ultimates of Batch 80

"Class A..? Those are our batchmates right? Higher than us?" Sabel asked
"In class a, those are the ultimates which have higher abilities and talents than the rest of the classes" Alene said as she tries to stop her cyring
"What's in it Aren?" Hiro asked

I turned the page and saw the 20 members of Class A, and there I saw a peculiar someone.

"Oh my! It's Ray!" Alene said out loud
"Ultimate Lucky Student.. As of today, I wondered how he ranked higher than us, he is just lucky!" Hiro said in annoyance.
"Wait.. It said here that.. Class A.. Suffered.. A Mutual Killing Game!" I said out loud, shocking everyone

A Mutual Killing Game.. Just like what we are experiencing.. But.. Theirs took place INSIDE Hope Peak's Old Building..

"And the only survivors are.. Hardie the Ultimate Kind, Rancis the Ultimate Skater, Benz the Ultimate Baseball Player, Inky the Ultimate Singer and Ray.. The Ultimate Lucky Student" I said
"Out of 20 only five were left! This is crazy! All of our friends.. Dead" Alene said
"Well, almost everyone here is dead already! It's all our friend complex thingy that caused it!" Sabel said
"But.. Why is Monokuma showing me this?" I asked
"Puhuhu because one of them is the mastermind"

We all looked towards an approaching Monomi.

"Monomi? Why did you.. Make the signature laugh of Monokuma?" Mikz asked
"The truth of this all is.."

Monokuma plunged himself into Monomi

"FIND CLUES ALREADY! STOP IDLING! THE CLASS TRIAL IS ONLY A FEW HOURS AWAY!" Monokuma said in annoyance as he drags Monomi away.

Well.. I think it's time we have a PROPER INVESTIGATION after all those trials.

"Nikki.. The Ultimate Football Player, how could anyone hate her?" Alene said
"She was my bestfriend... I did not know that she would fall into the traps of this game.." Sabel said sadly
"We once kissed.. I will miss that time.." Lark said
"You have kissed everyone in this class Lark" Hiro pointed out
"And boys too.." Mikz said
"Guys! We have to gather real clues this time!" I said

So we all gathered into the car that sent Nikki's body to our location.

"This car... It seems familiar" Alene said
"Since the last trial.. The last island is introduced.. And that's prison island.. So.. Is the car from there?" Sabel asked
"Prison Island.. World's most unpenetratable prison.. I don't think so" I said
"So this car.. How could this magically be here?" Mikz asked
"Wait! That's it!" I said

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