Chapter 10

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Warning : There will be some EXPLICIT CONTENT/ADULT THEMES in this chapter! (e.g. smut and the c-word) There will be a smutty scene below, it's not very descriptive and it's brief but i just wanna warn you guys about it just in case you don't read that kind of thing.

(if you wanna skip the smutty scene, just watch out for the warning written in bold and caps below)


Tully told herself over and over again not to be afraid. Her mind was a mess during the rest of the day as the hours ticked by leading to the evening she was expected to spend with Negan. All she had to do was open her legs and hope for the best, she thought to herself. Having sex with Negan wouldn't be so bad, she assured herself. It wasn't like Negan was physically fact, she would be lying if she told herself that he was physically unattractive because despite Negan being a few years her senior, he was handsome and fit for a man his age. In fact, apart from his charming, dimpled smile, there was a lot of things that were physically attractive about Negan. Personality-wise, however, Tully can't say the same. He may not be repulsive physical but his cocky personality tends to be.

After lunch, the nervous Tully saw the opportunity to approach one of Negan's wives, Sherry. Sherry was a tall and slender brunette who was only a few years older than Tully. Although Tully had only spoken to her a handful of times before, she was aware of the fact that before Sherry became Negan's wife, she was Dwight's wife. As well as that, Sherry was highly respected by the other wives and seen as the caring figure in Negan's harem. It's the reason why Tully decided she was the most approachable out of all of Negan's wives. "Can I help you?" Sherry asked when Tully cornered her on her way out of the dining area.

"I'd like to speak to you, privately," awkwardly, Tully replied, unsure what else to say. Sherry seemed stunned but accepted her request anyway. They waited until the dining area was empty before both women occupied an empty table in the corner of the room. "I'm, uh, I'm wondering if you can help me," nervously, Tully said. So far, only Patrick from the infirmary was aware of her new status as Negan's new wife and Tully was very aware that soon, the news will spread all over the compound like wildfire. "Y-You see, I agreed to be Negan's wife," Tully told Sherry, "he wants me to see him tonight. Obviously he wants to have sex and I'm not really sure what to do." she felt like she was a teenager again, sheepishly seeking for any form of advice from someone older and more experienced to aid her own inexperience. "Please don't tell anyone, I don't really want anyone to know about me and him," quickly, she added.

Sherry, who had been quiet the entire time as Tully shakily spoke, reached for Tully's hand resting on the table. "It's okay," she said softly. Sensing Tully's worry, Sherry decided to comfort and assure her. "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. I heard about your girls and the kitchen accident this morning so I figure that must be your reason. I'm sorry, I hope they're doing well. It's in his nature to take advantage of a bad situation that will benefit him, that's the way Negan is," said Sherry.

"Don't feel bad, I never wanted to be Negan's wife too. I did it to make both Dwight and my life easier in this place," sensing that Tully was far from comfortable about her decision, Sherry explained hers, revealing information about herself to her new sister-wife. Tully could tell that the woman was still in love with her former husband. "Anyway, he won't expect too much from you as a wife so you don't have to worry too much about that," Sherry continued, shifting the topic of the conversation away from her personal life and back to Tully's earlier inquiry. "He's satisfied as long as you open your legs for him whenever he wants you to, remember not to cheat on him because that's his number one rule and always present yourself nicely." By present herself nicely, Tully knew it meant dressing in provocative clothing for Negan. She wasn't going to do that for him. She'd rather keep wearing her jeans than the tight mini-skirts that her sister-wives would wear. "Oh and Negan's not very pushy, he won't force himself on you. He hates taking advantage of women. I guess that's one of the good things about him, he's a bit of a gentleman," said Sherry, "you can leave him whenever you want too but as you might already know, you will lose your privileges as his wife if you do that."

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