Chapter 17

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Tully hated being alone. The loneliness that came with being alone was almost suffocating. It was as if loneliness had its invisible fingers wrapped around her neck. It was choking the life out of her, slowly yet painfully. Negan hasn't returned for days now. His thugs would occasionally come to bring her food but that was all they did. No one talked to her and she didn't talked to them. She was completely alone, removed from the rest of the community in Negan's isolated room.

She felt like she was going crazy. One thing Tully was never good at was keeping still. That was why before her punishment, Tully liked to do chores despite her privileged status as Negan's wife. The chores kept her busy and it kept her mind occupied. It made her forget that the world actually ended and the dead were very much alive. The chores distracted her and it kept her from thinking about how terrible the world has become. Then, of course, her girls made everything extra better. They were her world. They gave her a purpose. Their love and innocence made the new world more tolerable for her. Then there was Negan. His simple presence made her feel alive. His charismatic personality and his jokes made the world brighter. Although she hated him for locking her up, she missed him badly. She needed someone to share the gloomy room with her. Anybody will do...she just hated being alone.

Tully lost count of the days she'd been locked up in Negan's room as punishment. She decided to stop counting simply because she felt lonelier knowing how many days have passed since she was isolated from everybody else. Now she sat in front of the window, lonely and alone. Negan's room was located at the back of the building and there was nothing to see in the window but trees. Tully watched the trees sway as a strong gust of wind blew. She heard and felt the window in front of her rattle. She was bored but above all, lonely.

Her gaze landed on a small trail of ants on the windowsill, they scurried towards a crack in the wall. She guessed that between the crack was their home. She wished she was busy doing something like the ants. Tully's gaze landed on one particular ant trailing after the rest. Unlike the others, this particular ant wasn't carrying anything. Tully left her seat and she approached her empty plate that she left behind near the door where it was usually collected by one of Negan's thugs. She picked up a little crumb and went back to her seat by the window. She placed the little crumb near the ant and Tully watched as it picked it up a moment later. She smiled. It was the highlight of her day.

Her days had become so terribly boring and gloomy that helping out an ant actually made her happy. If Negan had accomplished something by locking her in his room, it was that he had taken her happiness and freedom away and as a result, it was slowly breaking her spirit.


Tully walked out of the toilet one morning with her hand resting on her belly. Her throat was dry and her head had been pounding since the early hours of the morning. She was stunned to see a familiar intimidatingly tall person who had been waiting for her to come out of the toilet, standing before her.

"Shit, Candy, you look like you're fucking dying," he commented as he removed the leather glove he wore and touched her forehead to feel her temperature. "Are you okay?" he asked when he felt that her temperature was fairly normal.

"It's just the morning sickness, I'm fine," she murmured tiredly, assuring him. Negan pressed a kiss on her lips, surprising her and immediately, Tully pushed him away. "I was just vomiting two minutes ago, I'm kinda gross right now," she told him tiredly. She was blushing, embarrassed with herself and Negan merely chuckled as he looked down at her.

"I'll fucking kiss you even if you have shit all over your face, Candy," he informed her before he kissed her again and this time, she didn't stop him. The kiss they shared only lasted for several seconds. Tully wondered whether she was still the only woman he kisses. She hasn't seen him for days...or has it been a week? Has he slept with his other wives while she was locked away, she wondered to herself almost bitterly. "Is my punishment over?" she asked him, feeling a little hopeful. Why else would he visit her?

Negan patted the top of her head. "No," he replied, breaking her heart. Irritated at him, she pushed him out of her way as she made her way back to bed. "What's the problem?" he asked rather innocently.

"You're my problem," irritably, she replied. He chuckled at the sharpness of her voice.

"Well, if you're going to fucking treat me with that attitude, I won't give you your fucking present," Negan announced. Although she was intrigued to know what it could possibly be, she ignored him.

"I made up my mind, I'm leaving you when this punishment is over," she announced, much to Negan's surprise. He certainly did not see that coming.

"Really?" although he was shocked, he managed to maintain the tone of his voice. "Are you really going to do that when you're fucking knocked up with my fucking kid inside you?" he challenged her. "That child inside you is fucking mine and you can't fucking take it away from me. You best pray I'm fucking dead if you do."

"Jerk," she muttered under her breath. She was too exhausted to further argue. She hasn't done anything productive for days and yet she felt very tired. She was no longer sure if it was the pregnancy or the depression.

Negan approached her quietly and handed her something. It was a piece of paper adorned with drawings. "The girls made that for you," he informed her, softening up again. His earlier angry demeanour suddenly diminished as he looked down at the miserable looking woman sitting on the bed.

She took the paper from him eagerly and looked at the drawings on the page. There were five people drawn on the page, three girls, one woman with a round belly and a man holding a baseball bat. At the top of the page the words 'our family' was written messily in what looked like Molly's writing. Tully wiped the tears off her eyes as she looked up at Negan.

"When will you let me out of this room?" she asked him. Negan's gaze found hers.

"When you learn your damn lesson," he replied simply, his voice was monotonous and there was not a single sign of emotion on his face.

"What lesson?" hopelessly, she asked him.

"Tell me what you fucking saw out there on the road?" he asked her with an expectant look on his face. Tully was reminded of the events that day and the reason why she was being punished.

"T-The maimed-..." shakily, she replied only to be cut off.

"Wrong fucking answer," Negan interrupted her. "You can't fucking leave this room until you give me the right fucking answer, Candy," he informed her, "and until you take back what you said about leaving me."

She sighed to herself as he left the room and slammed the door shut behind him. A couple of seconds later and Tully heard him lock the door from outside, trapping her in the room that has become her prison.


hello everyone! i hope you all liked this chapter.

anyways, i just wanna say  MASSIVE thank you for 10, 000 views, i honestly never thought that this story would have that much views  lol... you guys rock :)

also, thank you for all the lovely feedback, i really enjoy reading them and i appreciate every single one of them. keep 'em coming and stay tuned for next chapter 

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