Strange apparitions

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AN:I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's just that a lot has been going on. I really don't want to talk about it either because it could trigger also it could worry you and it's made me feel like shit so this story may end up like crap but I really needed to update since you guys would want me to. Am I right on that?? Anyway on with the story.

....And I jumped up into my tree house and sobbed. I could hear footsteps coming from below. They sounded as though that person was tired and about to fall asleep or something. I leaned over out the window to have a look. I was new round here. Who was he? Wait is that a feodora/beret? The kind of one the people from the war wore?? I climbed out my tree house my tears stained my cheeks but I didn't care. I hid behind the tree watching him. I was a little scared I have to admit but I watched him anyway.

??? Pov ((you will understand why the question marks are there soon enough))
I turned around hearing heavy breathing and a twig snap. Nothing out the ordinary apart from the tree house door was open. I usually walk past here after being in the war but the door is never open and no one is ever around. That is till today. I saw a girl hiding behind a tree watching me. She looked younger than me. She probably was new here too. "Come out from behind the tree I won't hurt you" I spoke unsure of myself. I could flip at any moment. I mean I do have Post traumatic stress disorder and it is a nightmare that will never stop haunting my dreams and life.

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