flipping Flippy to Flipqy

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Your pov~
I gulped as I stepped out from behind the tree to be welcomed by a young looking man. He had a mint green like hair green eyes and an army suit on. He smiled looking at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. He must have seen tear stains on my face and I quickly went to rub them away nodding "y...yeah I'm fine" He sighed
"you sure? You don't seem it"
"Y...yeah I'm fine just lost someone that's all..."
"Would you like me to help find them?"
I sighed "N..no no I don't mean in that way... I mean.. H..he died.." I took out the slip from my pocket I got from war and showed him it. He gasped as he looked at it. He started trembling and boom. His eyes were now golden like as he smirked looking up. He had blood all over his jacket and I now knew war was worse than people made it sound. If I could stop my brother going to that wretched battle field I would. I would make a drink to knock him out unconscious before those people even come to mine. I looked at the boy before running off. He followed angrily. I gasped opening the door to my house. I grabbed my batton and turned to face the boy. I got ready to swing but stopped as I saw him jump at a blue haired boy and they both started fighting. I gasped scared and started running for it, I jumped out my window of my house getting scratched in the process. The blue haired boy flew above as the green haired tall yet young looking man tried to reach at him and chased him down.It was like a game of cat and mouse.The green haired boy being the mouse or should I say Rat since he seemed really dangerous too. I sighed realising I should keep running.I did.i kept running with all my might and ran.I ran.My feet ached.The boys were getting closer and this was getting more scarier.I didn't know what to do.Soon I felt a warm liquid running down my side.I stoped and looked at it. 'was this the end?'The question raced through my head as everything slowly faded away.Slowly.Slowly into the darkness I dived.

Humanised Happy Tree Friends (Lemon)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora