I'm Back

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A/N: This one-shot came from otp-imagines-cult (otp-imagines-cult.tumblr.com) I DID NOT come up with it. Feel free to check them out!

Lexa had been away in military service for a while. She was fighting overseas, in Azgeda. Clarke had seen it on a map, of course, but had never really seen any pictures. Lexa always sent weekly letters, and today was the day. Clarke lived for these days. If, just for a few minutes, it felt like Lexa was back home, safe. But when Clarke got home that day, there was no letter. Nothing to comfort her when she was scared fro her wife.

Days 1-28

Clarke was barely holding it together at the hospital. Her eyes were puffy and red half the time, and the other half, tears were freely streaming. Her colleagues had noticed and tried to help, but Clarke pushed them away. She buried herself in her work. It was her escape. But when she got home, she would see the littlest thing that reminded her of Lexa, and she would break down again. This repeated for a few weeks

Day 57

Clarke managed to get her breakdowns under control. However, she was still burying herself in work. She was twice as efficient as she was before. Her bosses were worried but also pleased. Clarke got home one day and collapsed in her favorite chair, not even bothering to take off her shoes. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. She got up and opened the door. Two uniformed men stood there. Clarke was suddenly wide awake.

"Oh no..." she said, her hands coming up to her mouth. The soldier on the left spoke up.

"Ma'am, Captain Woods' unit was bombed and we lost contact. We are doing our best to locate them, but there isn't much hope," he said. Clarke slid to the floor, her back pressed up against the doorframe. The soldiers on the front porch slowly closed the door. Clarke barely noticed.

Day 76

Clarke had returned to her breakdowns. Her bosses had to practically force her to take a vacation. Now she had nothing to take her mind off Lexa. Clarke would curl up in a chair all day, intermittently checking her phone for any texts or calls from Lexa. Her friends would come over to try and console her, but would get nowhere.

Day 124

Clarke was back at work, having nothing better to do, and she was once again driving herself into the ground. One day, she woke up, throwing on her work clothes and drove to work. When she got home, all her friends were all standing inside.

"What are you guys doing here?" Clarke asked in a dead voice.

"We came to check on you," Raven responded.

"But you just did that yesterday..." Clarke said, confused.

"Well, there's someone who wants to see you," Octavia said. The small group parted down the middle to reveal Lexa. Clarke gasped and rushed over to her wife.

"Are you... are you real?" Clarke asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course," Lexa replied. Clarke collapsed, sobbing. Lexa caught her and held her up.

"You're okay," Lexa whispered to Clarke. "It's okay, I'm here." Lexa scooped Clarke up and carried her inside. She gently placed Clarke on the bed. Clarke had fallen asleep.

"How long has she been like this?" Lexa asked in a deadly whisper once she got back outside.

"Well, it started about three months ago, but she got better after about a month. Then something happened and she got progressively worse," Lincoln said.

"Three months..." Lexa breathed. "About when I stopped sending letters because we were cut off. And two months ago... when we lost contact." Lexa rushed back inside.

"I'm so sorry, Clarke. I didn't mean to cause you this much pain. I'm so sorry," I whispered to her sleeping form.


Clarke woke the next morning with a familiar weight next to her. She glanced over and saw Lexa sleeping fitfully, tossing and turning.

"Lexa?" Clarke said, confused. Then the events of yesterday came flooding back. Lexa arriving home and carrying her up to bed. Tears were streaming down Clarke's face.

"Lexa," she said softly, shaking her gently. Lexa sat bolt upright and screamed. Tears had started to pool in Lexa's eyes. Clarke embraced Lexa tightly. Within a few seconds, Lexa returned the hug.

"I love you," Clarke said, her voice muffled as her head was buried in Lexa's shoulder.

"I love you too," Lexa replied.  

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