Crossed Sabers

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Clarke's lightsaber sliced through the Sith trooper's armor, cutting the soldier down. Clarke surveyed the battlefield. There were laser bolts flying in the distance, but the battle was eerily calm around her. She saw a hooded figure walking purposefully towards her. A glint of metal in the figure's hand prompted Clarke to ready her lightsaber. The blue blade blazed up, cutting through the fog. The hooded figure did likewise, a red blade igniting from the shiny metal hilt. Clarke leaped forward, drawing back her lightsaber for an overhand strike. The Sith dropped her hood to reveal a masked face. The robe dropped to the ground as the Sith brought her saber up to block Clarke's strike. Clarke gasped when the mask was revealed and after the first strike, she flipped backward, landing 10 paces away. The Sith pressed the attack, swinging her lightsaber in an upwards slash, but it seemed a second too slow, not as fast as her block had been. Clarke easily deflected the blow and stabbed her saber forward. At the last minute, she flicked the blue blade up, tearing a gash in the durasteel mask. The Sith's hand flew up to her face automatically, covering the cut. The red lightsaber was up again, though, to protect against further strikes. However much the Sith tried to cover the gash, Clarke still caught a glimpse of startling green eyes. Clarke's lightsaber dropped to her side at seeing those eyes. The Sith brings up the hilt of her lightsaber.

"I'm sorry," she whispers, as the hilt rams into the side of Clarke's head. As Clarke fell to the ground and began to sink into unconsciousness, the Sith walked away, stooping to pick up her robe.

Lexa extinguished her lightsaber, hooking on her belt. "You never were good at this, Clarke," she said.

"Well, that's not exactly my fault," Clarke said. "Master Atar never put too much emphasis on lightsaber combat, unlike Master Sereta."

"The Sith advanced to Taris," Lexa said. "And the Council still hasn't assisted the Republic in repelling them." Clarke sat on the padded floor. Lexa sat beside her.

"What if the Council sent someone to infiltrate the Empire?" Clarke wondered.

"What if," Lexa agreed. "What if."

"Clarke Griffin, explain yourself," Master Kane said. "Why were you found unconscious on the battlefield?"

"I was.... I was fighting a Sith," Clarke said, giving the smallest of details.

"You were what?" Master Jaha said, sitting forward. "Our intelligence showed no indication of a Sith Lord on that battlefield."

"Well, there was one, and I lost the fight," Clarke said. Inwardly, she cursed. "If I had lost the fight, I would have died! Now I'm gonna have to explain that."

"What do you mean, you lost? You're still standing here," Master Kane said.

"For some reason, the Sith decided to knock me out instead of killing me. I don't know why," Clarke said, covering for her mistake.

"Alright..." Master Jaha said. "You can go." Clarke walked out of the Council chambers, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding when she got out.

Lexa was walking down the hall of the Empire's flagship above Taris. The Republic had been driven back for the day, but they would return. But Clarke. Why was she there? Her last communication had said she was going to be remaining at the Temple, so why... Ah. She was lying. No matter. Lexa turned to the bridge captain.

"Set a course for Dromund Kaas and open a holocomm channel to Admiral Wallace. He needs to be informed of this victory." Lexa said.

"Yes, Commander," the bridge captain replied, relaying orders to the men sitting in the crew pit, who started inputting coordinates and securing communication relays. Lexa turned around and strode to the hologram pod. In a few seconds, Admiral Wallace appeared. Standing beside him was a Sith Lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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