Bubble Wrap [Prologue]

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Bubble Wrap


According to my girlfriend, I'm super fabulous. But of course, she's only going out with me because of my money. Excuse me, my parents' money.

According to my parents, I'm Derek-the-Invisible. Yeah, that's right. My parents barely know I exist. When I call from my cell phone and the butler tells them Derek is on the phone, they ask, "Derek who?" But then they say, "Oh, our son Derek..." And they don't even know any other Dereks...

But according to me, I'm just a guy. With an abnormal amount of money in my parents' bank account.

Oh yeah, and my best friend thinks...wait a second, I can't finish that sentence. Why, you ask? It's because I don't have a best friend.

Do you feel the sarcasm? Yeah, I do that a lot.

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