Bubble Wrap [Chapter One]

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Bubble Wrap

Chapter One

"My girlfriend broke up with me today," I told my mom. She was working on the computer so she didn't comprehend what I said.

"Nice," she replied.

"Of course, I knew it was coming because we've never really liked each other. I guess she just took my mind off some things," I felt like I was talking to the wall and not my mother.

"What was her name again?" my father asked, looking up from behind a newspaper.

"Megan Hunter, dad. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"But aren't you a little young to have a girlfriend?" he asked.

"Dad! I'm sixteen years old, can't you remember my age?" with that, I stormed up to my room and slammed the door.

(The next day)

Ever since I was three years old, I've gone to a "care center". My parents usually sent me there when they didn't want to deal with me. So today I had to go there because I locked myself in my room yesterday. But I didn't go, like usual.

My "driver" Ted dropped me off in front of the center and left right away. I walked down the street to the pizza parlour and bought a slice of pizza and a root beer. I said hello to the workers from the building next door who were on lunch break.

When I sat down, a girl from my school came and sat across from me. "Hey. I'm Charley. You're in my english class," she said.

"I know. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just didn't want to sit alone."

"Oh, well I have to leave, so...I'll see you at school then," I replied because I really didn't want to sit with her. Taking my food with me, I got up and walked out of the pizza place. When I looked back, Charley was sitting alone at the table, eating her pizza and sulking in her chair. She looked upset so I went back inside and ate with her. Charley's face brightened as she sat upright. At least I did something nice today.

(The next day)

Ted brought me to the skate park today. I was supposed to be going to the center but Ted asked me if I really go there. When I said no, he took me to the skate park, got out of the car, and opened the trunk. Right on top, there were two skateboards. They weren't just ordinary skateboards either, they were signed by Tony Hawk. I must've dropped my jaw in shock because Ted said in his British accent, "What? I'm only twenty-five years old. Do you expect me to be driving people around all day?"

"I...I guess not...but, how'd you get these?" I stuttered.

"I got 'em signed at some signing, there were tons of stars there," he explained. Once he said it, I noticed other signatures on the boards as well. There were bands, actors, athletes, and even comedians on it. Among them was one of my favorite British bands ever, McFly.

"Did you get this one at the signing, too?" I asked, pointing to the names of the McFly members.

"Oh, no, I got those while I was in England visiting my family. It's a funny story, actually. I'll tell you some other time. Now, let's get boarding!" he handed me one of the boards and took the other for himself. He also took two helmets and knee and elbow pads.

"Put these on. I think you'll need them," he said. I wonder if he knew I'd been skateboarding since I was six. But I put the pads on anyway, because I didn't need any injuries at the moment.

Even with the pads, I got pretty bruised up. Good thing I wore them. But when I got home, I remembered that I hadn't thought up a good excuse for all my bruises. I could say there was a bully at the care center and he beat me up. No, that wouldn't end up working. I could tell the truth...wait...what the hell am I thinking? Then I would be grounded, and Ted would be fired. Not good. I could say...nah, I can't think of anything. I'll just run upstairs to my room really fast so no one can look at me close enough.

My plan worked out fine. My parents were busy as usual so I just walked past them. They didn't even notice I was home. When I got to my room, I was shocked. It was a mess. Not even my mess. My mom had put all her junk in my room. I wanted to go downstairs and smack my parents in the face saying, "Listen! Look! I'm here! Pay attention to me! I'm your son Derek!" But they would probably disown me for that so I didn't.

Instead, I moved all the stuff into my parents' storage room. I was about to leave the room when something caught my eye. It was a huge trunk. In carved letters it said, Derek Tyler Finchley - 16 Years. That was my name. But what did it mean? I'm six months past turning sixteen.

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I darted for my room.

(Author's Note)

I've already got the next...TWELVE chapters written already, as I began writing this story around two years ago and I never got to finish it! So whenever I feel like uploading again, I definitely will. I want to know what you think of this story, SO....

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~Jess~ xx

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