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It was no doubt that it was a really dark night. The bar full of flashing lights everywhere were packed with people from all over the neighbourhood. The very time it happened, it was just a drunken mistake.

It's pretty much obvious that both of them were high out of their mind. They were grinding on each other like never before. Touching and lots. But it's normal for them to do stuff like that.

They were best friends after all.

And best friends do weird things.

It starts out just innocent. Touching hands and dancing together. They would laugh together at the stupid jokes they made and everything was just fine and fantastic. It was just a casual great night.

Drink and more drinks, most of the night were overall blurry, but Harry couldn't help but replaying the scenes of the horrible tragedy. It was the very moment he lost his best friend.

The love of his life.

His loubear.

He was desperate. The plump lips of Louis got him very curious. The lips that perfectly fitted his', that he'd always wanted to taste.

He thought why not? Will they even remember all this the next morning? He's pretty damn sure Louis was as drunk as he is at the very moment. He wouldn't remember. He wouldn't know. Though that's pretty sadistic to say the least.

It was just a peck on the lip at first. He froze for awhile before slowly kissing back, seeming unsure of what's going on.

His lips fits mine so well that he never ever wanted to kiss another person his whole life. He thought. He was hypnotized by the heavenly taste of Louis' mouth. It would be a lie if he said that it isn't the best kiss he'd ever had. It definitely is. Harry never wanted it to end.

But it did. Nothing lasts forever, does it?

After the small peck turned into a tounge battle. Suddenly, he felt a hard pressed hand on his cheeks, leaving it to sting badly. It was then when he realized, it was his Lou slapping him.

Harry's eyes formed into watery tears. Louis gasps as he realized what he'd done and gulped. He had never slapped Harry before, yet alone hit him. They rarely even have arguments.

They were the bestest of friends, though Harry had always wanted more.

"I-I, Wh-Why did you do that!?" Louis managed to let the word slip out of his mouth. "I have a girlfriend, Haz! For crying out loud, I have a g i r l f r i e n d!"

Harry gulped at the sight of a really frustated Louis. And he knew, that this is nowhere near good at all. It isn't gonna end well.

He stare at the blank white tiles, fiddling his fingers nervously. I can't bare to look at his eyes. "Louis. Look, I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know.." I croaked out, holding the falls of tears. "Y-You see-I was.." He added.

Louis folded his hand into a fist. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But obviously, it wasn't working. "Forget about it, Styles! You're ruining it," Louis snapped at him. The tears running down Harry's cheeks even more. "For fuck sake! Stop crying. You're such a crybaby. Ugh!"

Louis knew he was over-reacting a bit, or maybe a lot. He was being mean, he realized. But Louis thought he deserved that.

Before Harry even managed to speak, Louis shook his head multiple times. "You know what? That's it. You're ruining us! God, what if Eleanor know about this. What would she say!?" Louis rambled and huffed.

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