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The very next day, I couldn't sleep well with the thought of the horibble incident that happened last week. I was up until 4am until he felt really sleepy, so I decided it was mh time to finally sleep.

I woke up on 8am with a massive headache, probably because of the lack of hours of sleeping. My eyes were still swollen from crying hard.

I really should get over it, it isn't healthy to cry every night and it happened since the night it happened. I realized that the thing happened and there's no way that I could get a time machine and rewind the mistake. That's impossible.

His loud thoughts were eating him alive each day. Louis hasn't spoken to me ever since that day. I tried to contact Louis, of course but not even once had he answered. Truth be told, without Louis, my life become very lonely and boring. Ever since Eleanor came into the picture, we rarely hang out but back then he always make some time for me. But now, I haven't even heard his voice in a week.

The thought of Louis leaving me is like the worst nightmare I've ever had. And the fact that it's actually happening right now makes it even more wonderful. Note the sarcasm.

I sighed as the sun rays shines right towards me and decided it was time to get out of my bed and living another boring day, like always. I stretched his arm wide, letting out a loud yawn. I reached out my long arms, identifying my phone on the table. When I finally got it, I check the notification bar to see Niall messaging me.

I quickly open the text message.

Niall: Wanna hang out later? You've been distant..

I sighed. I wasn't really in the mood for hanging out. I'm not really in the mood for anything, really. I just want to stay in bed and sleep all day, as boring as it sounds. But Niall's true, I've been distant lately. It's mostly because of what happened between Louis and I.

So, I thought maybe I should just go out this time. There wouldn't be any harm, wouldn't it?

I think for awhile, and finally made my last decision that I'd finally to go outside for once after staying home all week.

Harry: Yeah. Sure, when and where?

Withing minutes, I'd already gotten a reply from him.

Niall: Starbucks. 3pm-ish? I can pick you up if you want

Harry: Uh, no...it's fine. I'll drive my car. Thanks.

Niall: Oh ok. See you later x

Harry: Bye xx

I sent the text and finally get out of bed. I make my way to the empty kitchen and treat myself a nice and simple breakfast.

While eating, I decided to scroll over instagram. Eating while staring at the wall doesn't really makes me feel any better and it's quite boring, don't you think?

I scroll from pictures to pictures, liking every single pictures I've seen. Boring, I thought. It's only 8 in the morning, no one posts pictures at times like these. Most people wouldn't even been awake at such times. I'm just an early rise, 's all.

I liked a few more pictures until I decided that I had enough of Instagtam.

I finished my cereal with a few more spoons and put it into the empty sink to wash it for later.

So now, I don't really have anything to do. Maybe I should open Instagram again. I know, I have an amazing life. Maybe I'd find something interesting there, who knows.

I opened the app with a bored look and continue to scroll over hundrers of pictures, like before. That until a picture took my breath away, literally.

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