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All of it are Harry's POV unless stated, or sometimes its a third person POV. I'm so unmanaged, so yeah. Bare with me. :)

I scowled loudly when the sudden beam of lights flashed its' way towards me. Not the ideal way to wake up, really. Since when did I even fell asleep?

I opened both of my eyes as wide as I can. I blinked it multiple times due to the shiny lights blinding me. This isn't my bed, and this is not definitely my room. What happened last night? The last thing I remembered was me falling asleep in my car. Suddenly, I'm in a stannger's bed, alone.

It's childish, really. I don't want to get in the shop just because Louis' in there. It's supposed to be just an hour thing, I'm just gonna have to wait until Louis left.

But when Nouis hang out, it's never just a 10 minutes thing. Louis always makes all the conversation better that makes the partner never wanna leave and keep chatting all day long. He has that effect on everyone.

I really hope it was Niall's bed. But that's impossible, we hung out multiple times at his house and I knew so well this isn't his bed. Maybe he has an extra house? I really really hope so. Maybe it's Louis and Eleanor's house? Could make sense, because I never went there since Louis always complained about how Eleanor doesn't want the house to get messy and stuff. That's impossible too, after what happened I'm almost sure Louis won't do this. And I'd rather woke up in a stranger'd bed rather than Louis and Eleanor's.

I rolled over the bed and suddenly my phone came out of nowhere. Probably slipped out from somewhere. But my phone was supposed to be at the shop? But thank god, It's here.

I checked my phone, the clock showing that it's 7 in the morning. And there were two messages from Niall. I quickly open it.

Niall: You ok??

Niall: Hope you arrive there fine

I closed the text messages. Oh so Niall knew where I am? That must've mean that I'm not in his house. I sighed at the thought, dissapointment waves over me. Then who's house am I staying?

It couldn't possibly be Louis'.

Maybe I should just go downstairs and check it. Great idea, should've thought that sooner. I immeaditely get out of the bed, taking my phone with me. I make my way downstairs slowly, peeking from it.

I walk down the staircase, taking each steps slowly. I muttered a quiet "Shit", when suddenly I tripped one of it, making me fall backwards. Luckily, it just hit my bum.

I took quick glance at the surrounding. This house is pretty big. Thankfully, there's no one in sight, but the TV's still playing. Who does that? Maybe I should close it. I'm just being nice and all, saving the eletric since the owner basically saved my day. I make my way to living room.

I walk steps by steps quietly and when i finally reached there, I closed the TV shut.

I heard someone snoring very near. Is that the owner? I heard him mumbling some stuff that I couldn't quite reach. But I hear one of it so well. I froze.

"H-Harry.." He mumbles quietly, but I can still hear it. He knows me. The owner knows me, I let out a sigh of relief. That means I wasn't at someone unknown's.

Wait. Oh god, so he caught me. What if he thinks I did something bad. I'm not ready to face him but I knew I should.

So, slowly I turn my back and closed my eyes shut. Flinching my nose, I let out a quick


No answer. I opened my eyes one per one. I gulped.

When I turn my back, I wasn't quite expecting a person lying on the couch, snoring softly.

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