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Ever since the session, Maisy's animosity toward the therapist grew each time she went with Adaline to an appointment. She knew what the therapist was trying to do, she was doing what everyone wanted; they all wanted them separated. She made it her duty to stay with Adaline as long as possible and as much as possible and she didn't care what it took. She would even take it upon herself to 'accidentally' knock Adaline's medicine in the toilet, or spill them down the drain, or simply just toss them into the trash. The mystery pills were meant to make Adaline say mean things to Maisy to make her go away, or at least that's what Maisy thought. She tried countless times to explain to Adaline what the pills did to her, but every time she tried she always ended up taking them anyway; and Maisy was never happy about that. There were days where Adaline would take one pill instead of two just so she could see her, that didn't stop Maisy from being more irritable than usual. She would get so irritated with Adaline that she would yell at her and leave, but she would always come back when she cooled down to apologize. The worst days were the ones where Maisy would get so angry with Adaline that she would call her psychotic and tell her that "only deranged people took medication", which would lead to Adaline yelling at her and crying afterwards.

Adaline's boyfriend, Evan, experienced their fights on more than one occasion. The first time it happened he didn't know what to do; now that he has been around for most of them he had gotten quite used to it. He still worried and he still got a bit scared when she shouted, but he knew exactly how to handle her when she was upset. He would go get her from upstairs and they would sit on the couch watching Disney movies until Maisy came back. Evan so badly wanted to help her but he just didn't know how. The nights that their fights would take place were the exact same nights that Adaline would have nightmares. He knew that she hadn't been taking her medicine like she was supposed to but he didn't want her to get upset with him; he loved her too much. So the only thing he could do was ask her if she had taken them when she was in a fairly decent mood and Maisy wasn't around, and his solution to keeping her happy was to get her a small gift every once in while.

"Addie can you come here for a minute?" He calls from her kitchen. She bounces down the stairs and slides in wearing shorts, his Oxford hoodie and her mix matched kitty socks; Evan thought she looked absolutely adorable. "Yes?" She plops herself onto the counter. He turns around with a bowl of grapes and offers her one, which she happily takes. "How would you like to go on a trip with me?" he grins and her eyes light up. "I would love to Ev." She grabs his face and rubs her nose against his. "Good, go start packing. We're leaving tomorrow night." He pecks her on the lips and she jumps off the counter to run up the stairs. She excitedly bursts through the door to see Maisy looking at the contents of her bookshelf. She says a quick hello before walking to her closet and pulling the big blue suitcase from the top shelf that had been in there for ages; she was happy that she finally had a chance to use it. Maisy frowns and walks to meet with her in the entrance of her closet. "I still don't like him." She suddenly says after watching Adaline throw the clothes out of her closet. "Who? Is this a cute top? I can't decide.." She holds up a light orange blouse with a pair of shorts. "Evan, and no. You'll look like a baby traffic cone with pants. Get the pastel top instead."

"The sweater or the jacket?"

"Why would you wear a pastel jacket, Addie?" Maisy rolls her eyes.

"Good point! Why don't you like Evan? He's a total sweetheart." Adaline throws the bag onto her bed and cram her outfits into it as best as she can. "He's annoying!" Maisy says as she throws her arms up dramatically. Rolling her eyes, Adaline walks back to her closet to pick her shoes. "Is that what you're going to say every time you get irritated because he does something nice? You've literally said that more times than I can count." She says taking out her converse. "And what is that supposed to mean?" Maisy snaps as she folds her arms over her chest. Adaline internally flinches at her tone, but she refuses to back down from this argument like she's done many times before. There were too many times where she let Maisy walk all over her and yell in her face, and every time she wouldn't say a word. She had been too afraid to stand up to her because she didn't want her to be mad. Adaline was finally fed up with Maisy getting annoyed with anyone that did something nice for her, especially Evan. "It means I'm done with your crap. You constantly call everyone annoying because you don't want me to have any other friends besides you! You just want me all to yourself and you are acting like a-a-a selfish brat! And I'm sick of it!"

"Well it's not my fault that I'm literally the only person that can put up with your insanity spasms! Nobody likes psychotic people!"

"I'm not psychotic!" Adaline fists her hair.

"Whatever. Just remember that he's only with you because he felt bad that everyone else was too scared to date you. And once he sees how crazy you are and breaks up with you, don't come running to me all heartbroken because I told you what was coming."

"We aren't going to break up.."

"Okay. Have fun with your little... critters." Maisy walks out of the door with a smirk. Adaline immediately looks down to see what she was smirking at but sees nothing. Her arm begins to itch and she scratches it without a second thought, that is until she feels a lump. She slowly looks down at her forearm, hoping that it wasn't what she thought it was; sadly it was. Bloodcurdling screams escape her mouth as she frantically scratches at her arms. She doesn't even hear Evan burst through the door because she's clawing and screaming so. He grabs her shoulders and tries to make out her slurred words as he tries to stop her from scratching her skin off. "Get them out please!" She sobs, trying desperately to scratch at them. "Addie what?! What are you talking about?!" Evan tries to look her in the eyes but she won't stop flailing around. "The bugs Evan! They're all over, I can't get them out!" She wails. He sits her down on the floor and quickly grabs the water bottle from her nightstand. "H-h-hey, look. Look at this, I can make them go away! Look!" He slowly pours the water up and down her arm as he goes back over the wet area with his thumb. She stops screaming and watches as he pours the water on her arm, liking how cool it feels on her burning skin. "See? All better, right?" He kisses her knuckles. Adaline nods at him and wipes at her cheeks with the back of her other hand, while he watches closely to make sure nothing else was going on.

Evan reaches up and tucks a loose strand of hair away from her forehead. "Thank you." She mumbles. He replies with a soft smile. "Did you take your meds today?" He asks softly. Adaline shakes her head and looks at the bottle on top of her dresser. "Can you do that for me and then we can go out for pizza, okay?" He takes her hand in his and patiently waits for her to answer. "Okay.." She says. Evan smiles at her and kisses her nose as he stands up to leave and let her get ready.

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