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"Stand in front of the water for me?" Evan says walking to the right of her. She turns so that he can only see her profile. She watched the waves crash against the shore while she waited for him to take the picture. The waves mesmerized her with their beauty, the seagulls squawking over head, the sun hugging them both with a warm embrace, and the salty smell of the ocean breeze gives her a great sense of relaxation that she hadn't felt in a long time. Closing her eyes, she folds her arms over her head and soaks in the sun's glorious golden rays of light. "Stay just like that. I swear you're a natural at this. " 1...2...3, Click. Evan looks down at the photo he had taken and smiles at Adaline. She stands there with a small smile and waits for him to tell her what she needed to do next. "Let me get a few more shots of the waves and then we can hike up that cliff over there." He says. Adaline looks at the cliff that was a few yards away and watches how the waves collide with the bottom of the structure making smaller beads of water stray away from the colossal wave. Gorgeous. "Okay, let's go." They lace their fingers together and start their hike up to the cliff.

"Hey, you look really pretty today." Evan gently nudges Adaline in the side. "I don't look pretty every day?" She arches an eyebrow and his eyes widen. "No, I mean yes! You look stunning everyday but just this particular day you look prettier, not that you aren't averagely pretty any other day... WAIT, I didn't mean you look like every other pretty girl that I've seen and I swear that I haven't been looking at anyone else. Oh my gosh I-I-"

"Evan shush," Adaline giggles, "I know what you meant. I was just pulling your leg." She hugs his arm. "Okay that wasn't funny. I thought you were getting upset with me!" He dramatically grabs his chest and breathes out. Adaline chuckles and shakes her head at Evan's silliness. "Hey Adaline, I have a question." Maisy whispers in her ear. "What?"

"Do cows drink milk?"

"I don't know, google it."



"I don't want to. Why are outlets called outlets if you plug things into them? Shouldn't they be called inlets?"

Adaline rolls her eyes. "Maisy-"

"Why is the sky specifically blue during the day? Why can't it be a different color?" Maisy smirks at her. She knew exactly what she was doing, she wanted to make Adaline so irritated with her that she would yell and have go back to the hotel. Adaline wasn't stupid, she knew most of Maisy's little games and she was determined to not let her annoying questions get to her. "Maisy, whatever you're trying to do it's not going to work. So just stop." And with that Maisy stopped asking questions and followed behind them quietly for the rest of the way.

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