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Adaline found a golden bracelet that day they hiked up the cliff. Of course she kept it since she knew it had no particular owner; but what she didn't know was it came with an excruciating price for her and Evan. She wore it out to dinner that night and she wore it home. An eerie feeling lingered over her the more she wore that bracelet, but she thought nothing of it. Soon enough she began to see things she had never seen before. Whenever she sat somewhere alone she would always see a woman dressed in battle armor standing in the corner. She didn't say anything and she never moved from the corner, she just stood and watched. Adaline wanted to tell Evan but she thought to herself, "Maybe it's just time to go home." The woman never stayed when Adaline fell asleep at night, but she always had dreams where she would hear the tortured cries of others and see them slaughtered right in front of her. This caused her to leap from her slumber in a cold sweat. It got worse as time progressed. The screams got louder, the dreams got more violent, and she would even see the woman in her dreams but she wouldn't move; just as she did when she stood in the corner but she would hiss instead of stay quiet. She would have a snake looped around her arm while chaos went on behind her. The whole time, her black eyes would stay on Adaline and not once did they drift.

At some point the screams stayed with Adaline, even after she had waken up. They were louder in her head than they were in her dreams, and it made Adaline uneasy. She would take her medicine to make it all stop, but it never worked. She grew frustrated with medicine and dumped it all out. Evan noticed her change in behavior and grew concerned. He would watch her as she sat at their window with her back to him; she would sit there for hours and not move. He admitted it was creepy, but he had to know what was wrong. He made the mistake of touching her shoulder while she was in a deep trance, it was like her mind was teleported to another place while her body stayed where it was. As his fingertips touched the skin on her shoulder, she spun around so quick it made him jump away from her. A cavernous growl emitted from her throat as she turned completely around. Her hair tossed about, scratches on her cheeks and sleeplessness evident within her appearance. Evan watched in horror as she towered over him from his position on the floor. He knew something was going on. Her iris' weren't the same vibrant brown color they usually were, no, instead they were a flat brown with full blown black pupils. She wasn't Adaline, this was someone completely different.

He tried to push it aside and act as if nothing was wrong, even when they got home, he didn't want to acknowledge the situation that went down at the hotel. He fell asleep after he made sure she was asleep, he didn't like seeing her so tired, maybe that was why she acted the way she did. He would have called her therapist to make sure, but he did not and he instead tried to make her as happy as he possibly could.

Adaline's behavior continued. For three nights, she paced the floor for an hour then went back to bed and stare blankly at the ceiling. Disturbingly enough, the nights she did not sleep she would stand over Evan as he slept. Motionless, she would stand there until the sun came up and she would go back to bed. A full week she did this. That Saturday night, she pulled Evan from the mattress by his shirt and drug him outside. She drug him down the street and to the abandoned amusement park a mile away from their apartment. No matter how much he struggled, her grip didn't loosen. She drug him to the stage in the center of all the rides and threw him onto it. To Evan's shock, he was somehow found guilty of trespassing and theft on Roman territory. It turned out to be the golden snake bracelet that Adaline had found in the sand on the cliff. If he would have known that they weren't supposed to be there then he would have never gone. The Roman didn't appreciate his tone with her, and for that she gave him no mercy with his penalty. With a swift motion of her hand, a sharp piece of the Ferris wheel flew at Evan before he could move, and cut his head clean off. It rolled off the stage and onto the pavement as his dismembered body collapsed into the rotting wood.

No one knew about who murdered Evan, they couldn't even find his body until a month after it happened. During the investigation of his sudden death, they just so happen to walk farther into the amusement park to find clues. They heard the music from a few yards away, which prompted them to walk faster. They followed the sound to the rusted Carousel where she horses were moving, but no one was operating the machine. Adaline stepped from behind another ride with Evan's blood on her hands. They pointed their guns at her and she laughed. With only one look at the broken spin tops, two handle bars came flying at one of the officers and impaled his chest. He fell to the ground with a thud as the other officer shot at Adaline, it hit her in the chest but it didn't stop her. She smiled as she grabbed the gasoline jug from underneath the control booth. She whistled a tune as she drenched herself in the fluid and watched the officer closely. She threw the jug away after it was empty and lit herself on fire with the lighter she had in her pocket. Still whistling the same tune, she slowly walks toward the officer. She stares deep into his soul and he starts choking, she was strangling him. She stood in front of him as he tried desperately to gasp for air until he finally stopped moving all together.

She threw his corpse onto the Carousel and got on it as well. She took she giant sharp piece of metal she had been saving from beside her on the horse. She holds it by the piece of string she tied to it and looked at the bodies surrounding her with a smile.

She swung the sharp metal at her neck then fell to the ground in a bloody heap as her head rolled away with the same smile she had seconds before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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