1. Vous ne me verrez pas (You Won't See Me)

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The cover was made by the lovely Akward_Girl , I love you ever so dearly Ashley.

To Ryan Ross,

You're formally invited to the union of Brendon Urie and Sarah Orzechowski at Saddlerock Ranch in Malibu, CA. RSVP for time and date information. We hope to see you there!

Ryan frowns at the cream white letter burning his hands. Flipping the card over, he finds a hand written note addressed only to him...

Please consider coming, I'd love to catch up. It's been too long. Please.

A phone number was written under His name, and all Ryan can do is stare. It hasn't been that long has it? Apparently long enough for them to be getting married. Then again He always jumped into things... whether or not these things are good for him. Ryan sighs and takes a seat at his dining room table, looking at where his life has taken him. Various sheet music scraps and lyrics spread out all over the table that's meant for meals. All of the work meaning nothing on top of everything else. None of it works. Not without His voice.

"Baby?" A small blond woman appears in the doorway in nothing but a button up shirt. Probably one that's his own. The sleeves are pulled down past her hands, and she looks utterly irresistible. "There was a card in the mail for you. You see it?" Her southern belle accent was thick, and her big blue eyes did nothing but draw Ryan in. He nods once in response, waving the letter at her. She smiles, teeth white, and shiny. She's so perfect... but she isn't Him.

The girl gestures for Ryan to follow her into the bedroom. Surely for some acts that would have his mother blushing in embarrassment. That's when Ryan goes into autopilot, going after the pretty little thing. He doesn't feel these days. He's simply a body. A shell, if you will. When he left, he felt too much. Was too open with his feelings. Screamed and cried and destroyed everything. Now he feels nothing. But he sure as hell felt a hell of a lot seeing that messy script he recognized all too well.

Leave it to Brendon Boyd Urie to wake him up. He always did.


It takes Ryan a whole week to get the balls to even acknowledge the pristine sheet of paper that sat mockingly on his nightstand. He had since sent the girl home; he needed some space. That's code for he was breaking and there was nothing he could do to control it. He didn't need anyone to see that. Especially not the girl he's currently sleeping with.

Eventually, Ryan got the balls to pick up his cellphone and dial the number under His name. Not the one meant for the rest of the guest, but the one strictly for him to call. He couldn't risk that girl picking up the phone. No, that would be disastrous.

It took a few rings for anything to happen but sooner rather than later, someone answers the line. "Hello?" It was a small female voice. Ryan cringes. "Hello?" The voice asks again.

"Um... Could I speak to Brendon? This is his number right?" The unsteady voice is unfamiliar in his ears. He hasn't spoken to anyone in so long... aside from brief sentences shared between he and the girls he sleeps with, he hasn't talked to anyone.

"Oh yeah! This is his phone, he's just in the other room. Hold on...?" The girl pauses searching for a name to identify the voice. She sounds giddy, overjoyed, absolutely ecstatic to answer her future husband's phone

"Ryan." He answers quietly. He feels sick.

"Okay!" Perky, perky perky! Ryan rolls his eyes and holds the phone to his ear as she presumably takes the phone to her fiancé. It hits Ryan then, what he's doing. Who he'll be speaking to. A boy he fell in love with some years ago. A boy he left alone, because he knew what was best for Him. Ryan's breathing is suddenly heavy, and it seems impossible to get enough air in his lungs.

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