Day 1

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As soon as I walked into health class, I knew I was in trouble. I looked around the classroom, and saw the boxes. Today we started the baby project. The boxes were full of the creepy little dolls. Half of their eyes didn't even close all the way. The mouths open and close, along with their eyes. They are each equipped with a drool and throw up device that randomly spews gross liquids at you. They even make messes in their diapers.
         Our teacher sat calmly at the front of the room at his desk. My classmates followed me, and upon seeing the boxes, all let out a groan. "Yea, yea. Take your seats so we can start our special project." He barks. "As you all can see, this year as seniors, you will be taking part in the baby project. It starts today and ends on the last day of school." He says with a smirk on his face. "But that's for eight months!" A girl in the back protested. "Congrats, you can do math. Let's hope you're that good with kids." The teacher says, clearly unamused. "Now, let's figure out who is partnered with who." He says.
"Ashley Benson with Jake Rushing. Lauren Smith with Alexander Gomez." And so on. I'm barely listening until one pair catches my attention. " Claire Williams with Austin Butler." I turn to face the tall and slightly muscular boy near me. He looks up and smiles a cute little shy smile. He's actually kinda cute. He has longish brown hair with matching brown eyes. "Time to pick kids!" The teacher announces. He pulls out a jar and walks around the room letting each pair pick a slip of paper. If your lucky, you get a one little doll and can leave. If not, you get twins and barely sleep. We're the last group to pick, and the writing on the paper confuses me. "Excuse me, but what is the extreme baby project?" I ask. The teacher only smiles. "Well class, this is an important announcement. Claire and Austin are doing the extreme baby challenge. They will not be using dolls, but have real live children and live in an apartment together until the project is over. " he says. "Children as in plural?" I ask. "Yep." Says the teacher, clearly happy with how his day is going. "So me and Austin are having twins?" I ask. "Nope. Five kids. The oldest is six and the youngest is two months. Three girls and two boys. You name them yourselves, feed them, buy them what they need. The school will give you some cash, but one of you will have to get a job." He explains. "Great. Just what I need." I mutter.

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