Day 2

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I literally didn't sleep last night. Every time I turned around one of them was crying. We finally figured out their names, so now we don't just pint and say that one. The oldest, who is six, is named Evelyn, or Eve for short. The next oldest is a two year old boy who we named Richard, or Rich for short. Or next oldest is Grace, who is one and a half. Finally, we have the twins, who are two months old. The girl is Jacqueline, or Jackie for short. The boy is Jake.
         Once we figured that out, the twins both had a bottle and went to bed. Eve, Rich, and Grace all had macaroni and cheese. Then Grace and Rich fell asleep while watching TV, and Eve fell asleep shortly after on the couch. Austin was a huge help! He fed Jake his bottle while I was feeding Jackie, set the table while I made the macaroni and cheese, and then carried Rich to bed while I got Grace. He even did the dishes. He definitely is making this project a lot easier. I would have helped do the dishes, but Eve woke up when I set her in her bed and wanted me to stay with her until she fell asleep. I thought they where all fine for the rest of the night, but apparently not. Jackie woke up with a dirty diaper, so she started crying. That woke Jake up in the crib next to her, so he started crying. The crying woke up Grace in the room next door, so she started crying. Rich woke up because him and Grace are sharing a room and he began to quietly cry. All of the crying woke up Eve, but since she's six, she decided she was too big to cry. Instead, she wrapped herself around my waist and refused to let go until I would tell her a bedtime story. I ran and got the Jackie out of her crib, while Austin got Jake. Once I changed her diaper, I set her in her crib so I could move on to the next child. I got Grace up and got her to calm down after I walked around the living room with her in my arms, and Austin did the same with Rich. After I set Grace back down because she was asleep, I picked Jackie back up and rocked her to sleep while standing in the kitchen while Austin put Jack down because he had fallen asleep. We did all of that at midnight while Eve still clung to my waist. I picked her up and looked at Austin, who had literally fallen asleep while sitting on the steps to the kids rooms. I put Eve down and wake him up and tell him to go to sleep. He says that I should too, but I told him that I had to put Eve to bed first. Nodding his head, he goes to our room while I pick up Eve and walk up the stairs. I finally get her to sleep and I would have gone to bed, but there was one thing to be done first. I went onto the elementary school near our school's website and saw with great joy that they needed a new kindergarten teachers assistant. Yes!! I sent an email to the principal and I start work today. The twins, Rich, and Grace are all going to the daycare across the street so we are all close together and pick up and drop off is a lot easier.
I walk into the classroom and sit at my desk. The teacher comes up to me and asks if I can explain to the kids how to do this worksheet when they get here. I nod my head and lay the worksheets in each desk and then wait for a minute for them to fill up the seats. Once I finished that, they did math and some more worksheets until their parents picked them up. I then got Eve out of first grade and got the other kids from daycare and then met Austin back at the house.
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Thx for adding more views every day!! You guys are awesome!! Comment your favorite parts or who your favorite kid is!! Please vote!!! Please note: the girl up top is Eve!

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