Getting ready/ flashback

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     A knock at the door startled my thoughts. The babysitter. I had finished getting ready a while ago and I was just sitting in my room. How I look is ready, but I don't feel ready. I'm super nervous. The truth is.....I've never really been one to go out and party. I was raised with one goal in mind: SUCCEED. If I didn't get an A on whatever the project mother would scream and yell and hit me. No one knows of this. My father was completely different from her. He was kind and caring and compassionate. He understood that I had tried my hardest on the test but I only got a B. He was perfectly fine with it. But she never was. Nothing could satisfy her. The day that I got the call that changed my life....I couldn't handle it. I broke down sobbing. Why would he leave me with her alone by myself??? What did I do wrong????
I found myself in tears and pulled my self together before I messed up my makeup. I answered the door and immediately didn't like the babysitter. She was leaning against the doorframe like the floor was tilted. She walked in and made sure her heels clicked on the tile. She walked right into the apartment without even greeting me. She sure made sure to smile at Austin. I doubt she'll be returning to babysit my kids anytime soon. She's just sitting here chatting away with Austin and hasn't even acknowledged the existence of me or the kids. I cleared my throat and introduced her to the kids one by one and told her little things about them. After everything else it was time to go. I looped my arm through Austin's and walked out the door. My first time leaving without them since the day we got assigned that project. This is gonna be one longggg night.

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