Chapter 20

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I continue to stare at him as he talks to the waiteress, ordering our dinner.

I take in every small detail, every small gesture of his.
His silky hair falling over his forehead, shining in dim lights, his brown eyes as alluring as always.

And his smile.

His breathtaking smile.

I suddenly realise that the waiteress taking his order is also looking at him in the exact same way I have been looking  him.

I feel a small growl escape my mouth as I look at her gawking my Man.
Whereas he on the other hand is completely oblivious to her and has eyes on me.

You see that girl?
He's  mine.
Take your eyes off him.

"Will that be all sir?" She asks him sweetly showing off her extra white straight teeth.

He looks at me asking me if I would want anything  else.
She is still gawking at him. I grit my teeth as I stare daggers at her.

"Yes, I would like a glass of Dry Martini please." I ask trying  to get her attention.
She notes it down but her eyes go back and set on him.

"Of course ma'am.  Anything else?"

"Yes. I would kindly request you to take your eyes off my Fiancè." I say, shocking him and even myself as the words leave my mouth.

She was going to note it down but then she realied what I said and she stiffened a bit.

He face reddened due to embarrassment not knowing what to reply to my blunt statement.

So cat caught your tongue now uh?

"That would be all." I dismiss her not wanting to waste anymore time of this beautiful evening.

As she leaves in a flustered state, I see him looking ay me with an amused expression.

"What?" I ask trying to act nonchalant to whatever he's thinking.

"Fiancè? " he asks obviously surprised to hear it from me for the first time.

His face looks like it's the best thing he's heard in a long time.

I don't reply and try to avoid his eyes by looking anywhere else. But my flushed cheeks gives me away.

I just shurg and try to seem indifferent about it.

That of course fails when he utters his next words.

"I love the sound of it. Especially coming from you. "

I start smiling widely.

He is smiling widely like a madman at me too.

At that moment I feel I don't think I want to hide my feelings from him anymore.
I don't think I can even if I try.

What's the point in hiding?  I remember almost everything now. I just can't remember the accident and a month or two before the unfortunate day.

Now that I remember our love, our fights, our in the bubble moments, I don't want to stay away from him anymore.

"I like the sound of it too. It shoos everyone off and makes it clear as a day that You. Are. Mine." I say, emphasising the last words.

Just like in the past when I confessed for the first time.
He seems surprised when he hears me utter the same words that I had done almost years back.

"Yes I am yours baby. From the day we met I have been yours and will always be." He says as he takes my hand in both of his and places a soft kiss on it, sending shivers up and down my spine.

My Brown-eyed Angel (A Siddharth Nigam fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now