Part9~More Plans

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Uh, yeah, from now on, Andy or Ashley wont cry unless necessary. I realized they were acting a lot like me... I wonder why? XD

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us.


'He loves me, he loves me, and I hurt him.' Were the only thoughts going through my head when I woke up.

I was disgusted with myself.

I finally allowed my eyes to open, lifting my legs out of the blankets, letting my feet touch the cold floor.

I sighed, walking over to couch; where Jinxx and Sammi were sitting.

Sammi, being who she is, noticed that I was upset. "What's wrong?"

"Ashley." I said, and immediately Jinxx looked concerned. "What happened between you guys?" he asked.

"We fought. Over the interview from yesterday when I said that I wasn't dating anyone. He got mad, then I got mad and called him a man-whore, then he ran away after he said he loved me," I told them, feeling stupid. I shouldn't have been this upset over this. I mean, I wasn't actually in love with him, was I?

"Aww, Andy! Don't be upset, Ashley will forgive you!" Sammi cooed sympathetically.

"I hope," I sighed. "I'm going to get dressed then go for a walk, okay?" I got up to grab some clothes out of one of the dressers in the 'living area' and headed to the bathroom to change.


I started walking, no destination in mind. I walked down the streets of Seattle, unsure of where to go. I walked down a street with many stores, coffee shops and restaurants. I found myself walking into a Starbucks, buying a morning coffee.

"Hello there, what can I get for you?" The girl at the counter-Delany, said her nametag-asked.

"Hi, can I get a grande latte?" I looked down from the menu board, hanging above my head. You could say that Delany was really pretty. Dark brown hair tied back into a ponytail, and her work uniform.

"Sure, 4.71," She smiled, "Hey, I get off right away, can I join you?"

I thought for a moment. "Sure," what could be wrong with that?



"I'm worried about Andy and Ash," I told Sammi.

She frowned, kissing my cheek. "I'm sure they'll be fine, won't they?"

"I guess so, but I'm not sure..."

"Hey!" Sammi jumped, obviously getting an idea. "We can help them get back together, yes? You guys helped them get together in the first place, did you not?"

I thought about it for a moment. "Well, we didn't do much. They pretty much did it on their own. But I like that plan." I smiled before giving her a kiss.


Uh, yeah, short, I know. Sorry, My wrist is still in a brace.. -.- lolol.

But yeah. Thanks.

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us [boyxboy-Andley]Where stories live. Discover now