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>>Ready for this? This will be the longest part ever. E.V.E.R. To make up for the TWO WEEKS that I havnt updated. I didn't realize how long its been -_- K PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR THIS EPPIICCCNESSS<3



I was sitting at a table in Starbucks, thinking about Ashley, and waiting for Delany to get off work.

Did that mean Ash and I had broken up? No, he never said we had... did he? He said that he had loved me. He couldn't have wanted to break up. The question I was asking myself was 'Do I love him back?' I mean, I obviously had strong feelings for him, strong enough for me to turn gay... or, rather bisexual for him.

My mind was so caught up in what I was thinking of, that I didn't realize that Delany had come to sit across from me with a Starbucks coffee cup in hand. "You seem to be thinking hard," She stated.

I shook my head. "Yeah, sorry." I took a sip of the liquid from my cup.

"Break up?" She guessed. Delany was apparently good at guessing.

"Well, we're kind of fighting. You're good at guessing."

She giggled. "Yeah, I guess. What's her name?"

I sighed, should I tell her? I was about to say something before she squealed, and loudly, I might add.

"Oh my god! I know who you are!" Shit.

"Alright! Shhh! No need for attention to be drawn to this table!" I quieted Delany. Her eyes were still really round.

"But you're Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides, yes?!"

I nodded, "Yes, but don't draw too much attention."

"Wow, this is so exciting. I thought I knew you from somewhere, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Wow. I love you guys."

I smiled, "Thanks."

"So, about this girl..."

I groaned. "Can I trust you? I'd be dead if this got out." I had no clue what I was doing, telling a random stranger one of my biggest secrets.

She nodded excessively. "Of course you can."

"Okay, then. I'm trusting you," I looked at her uneasily. "So, this person isn't actually a girl..."

Delany gasped. "Oh my god! You're gay?"

"What, just because I'm Andy Biersack that means I can't be gay? Well, I'm actually bi."

"Oh, sorry."

"Anyway, this guy just so happens to be Ashley Purdy."

Her eyes got even wider, if that was possible. "As in, Ashley Purdy... Your bassist?!"

I chuckled. "Yeah, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone, 'kay?"

"Okay. This is so exciting, I'm such a fangirl," She blushed, I laughed.

We had a great time after that, I liked Delany. She was a nice girl, and wasn't overly obsessed with Black Veil Brides.



"You guys, we're moving to a hotel for tonight and tomorrow night." Jinxx called from his bunk.

Fuck. Yes. Was all I had to say. Thank the fucking lord. My bunk was right across from Andy's, and more than once I had woken up to his beautiful face.

"Which one?!" I yelled back.

"The one and only Fairmont Olympic Hotel," Jake answered, holding his black suitcase while walking to where I was sitting-on the couch.

Nothing's Gonna Stop Us [boyxboy-Andley]Where stories live. Discover now